as long as we continue to vote for the "lesser of two evils", that is precisely what we will get. until the day comes and there is only one name on the ballot. both of these political parties are bought and paid for by special interests. i'm not saying there arent some good people left in both parties, but the people need to take back control of the system. why have so many americans bought into this "lesser of two evils" crap? i did not throw away my vote! i voted for the person that is closest to what i believe. that is how a democracy is supposed to work. if everyone did this we wouldnt only get 2 bad choices! you didnt throw away your vote with perot-- you voted your conscience! that is what we are supposed to do. neither obama nor mccain stand for what i believe in, it's that simple. i wont vote for one guy just because the other is worse. i did that the last couple of elections and was completely betrayed and lied to.
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