That is one of the most ridiculously prejudiced lines of reasoning I have ever heard. Are the religious affiliations of one's parent's or grandparents determinative of his affiliations? I would have to say no. Although raised in the traditions of both the Protestant and Catholic religions...I practice no religion. If I had to pick one I would say Buddhism (as a philosophy only not as a religion).
As for the $200.00 contributions, it is my understanding that the sources of small contributions need not be disclosed. You are simply speculating that the source of the contributions is suspect. If you tried to introduce that as evidence in court it would be excluded. You will have to get something with some substance. I believe that the standard to be observed is that he who makes the allegation has the burden of proof.
Your admissions as to the mixed opinions of the school Obama attended in Indonesia are also inconclusive.
I really have no more patience or time to waste on the idiocy, paranoia and desperation of the far right. Let's wait until after Tuesday. Then you can lick your wounds for the next four years. Maybe the next time you will be able to pick a candidate with a more positive platform and a more focused campaign to explain it more clearly to the electorate.
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