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Upgrade notice for sourceoftitle.com - Slade Smith/OH
10/3/2008 4:48:37 PM (3230 views)

[+] The AfBA battle is on! - Robert Franco/OH (1 reply)
10/3/2008 4:27:46 PM (5362 views)

[+] Bankers Title Company - Gone - Frank NAVARRO/IL (1 reply)
10/2/2008 6:50:11 PM (4078 views)

[+] Any info on Abstractor listing websites? - Erin Carraway/NY (11 replies)
10/2/2008 1:11:58 PM (4234 views)

[+] Questions on title companies & Leads - Erin Carraway/NY (9 replies)
10/2/2008 9:09:47 AM (4021 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Info on Abstractors A Go Go - george Hubka/MI (10 replies)
10/1/2008 6:27:14 PM (4387 views)

[-] Bail Out Bill Defeated - Kevin Ahern/CT (19 replies)
9/29/2008 3:14:47 PM (3838 views)
Re: Bail Out Bill Defeated - Patrick Tarr/NE
9/29/2008 4:55:49 PM (5262 views)
Re: Bail Out Bill Defeated - Kevin Ahern/CT
9/29/2008 5:01:03 PM (5338 views)
Re: Bail Out Bill Defeated - Patrick Tarr/NE
9/29/2008 5:30:50 PM (5123 views)
Re: Bail Out Bill Defeated - Robert Franco/OH
9/30/2008 11:22:53 AM (5103 views)
Re: Bail Out Bill Defeated - Kevin Ahern/CT
9/30/2008 12:37:19 PM (5165 views)
Re: Bail Out Bill Defeated - Robert Franco/OH
9/30/2008 1:41:06 PM (4974 views)
Re: Bail Out Bill Defeated - Kurt deVries/FL
10/1/2008 9:11:53 AM (4922 views)

Robert, I agree with you wholeheartedly. Pelosi was way out of line, as was Barney Frank. They can't just work together without getting a "dig" in. I was reading an article in the NY Times from 2003, where Bush tried to get congress to do something about Freddie and Fannie. Barney Frank flat out said there was nothing wrong. Now 5 years later it's all Bush's fault. You're right to not point fingers, but it seems like the dems and libs like to do that, especially in an election year. Let's look back at the socialistic plans that led us to this.....'77 Carter relaxed some regulations, '92 Clinton relaxed them even more......Bush should have tightened them up, his fault for not taking a more aggresive role. Acorn helped out a lot.........not. It seems whenever the socialist programs rear their heads, that's when the trouble starts......ie; The New Deal. Democrats seem to think that you can just throw money at poverty and it goes away. NOT! All it creates is a country of people who think they're entitled to everything. When Acorn pickets and intimidates bank managers at their homes and offices to give loans to folks who have no way to repay them, they're part of the problem. Owning a home in America is NOT a right. Just like health insurance is not a right. Now this may be unpopular in these times, but it's true. Rights don't infringe on others. If I have to pay for your 'home" and "insurance" it violates my rights. Maybe that's just my conservative roots showing. I mean we all work hard for our businesses to succeed and we like to provide nice things for our families. When the added burden is placed on us to "provide" for others who don't work as hard or at all, it's tough to take. In this time of uncertainty electing a president who wants to give away more entitlements seems a little nutty to me. What the very people that want to elect this "rock star" need to understand is that "sticking it" to the rich will have dire consequences for them. Every small business owner is "rich". Most of us make over $250,000 in our businesses. We may not take home that much, but it doesn't matter. This year, not so much! You are now taking away disposable income from "weathly" people. Guess who don't go out to eat much any more, get their cars detailed any more, buy or upgrade their electronics, buy luxury items. Guess who feels that..........service industry workers. The very people who Obama states he's going to help. He won't, he will hurt them. Unemployment will soar even higher. Whoa, got a little off track there. Not saying McCain is a savior, not by a long shot. He wasn't even my pick.

Back to the bailout. I agree that it has to be done. Do I want to do it? NO! Congress is in a sticky situation due to elections. Do they vote what their base wants or do they vote what they think needs to be done and lose elections. Not a position I would want to be in.

Just remember....A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have!

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Re: Bail Out Bill Defeated - Patrick Tarr/NE
9/30/2008 2:38:07 PM (5014 views)
I'm for the KISS solution... - Bobbi Shorthouse, Notary Public/CT
10/1/2008 11:01:05 AM (5043 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - Kevin Ahern/CT
10/1/2008 1:20:07 PM (4981 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - Janis Talbot/SC
10/1/2008 6:17:01 PM (5093 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - george Hubka/MI
10/1/2008 6:33:32 PM (4950 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - Patrick Tarr/NE
10/2/2008 1:29:13 AM (4945 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - Kevin Ahern/CT
10/2/2008 7:35:53 AM (4972 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - Scott Perry/PA
10/2/2008 9:00:46 AM (7323 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - Kevin Ahern/CT
10/2/2008 9:08:39 AM (4818 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - Scott Perry/PA
10/2/2008 9:52:41 AM (4945 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - Kevin Ahern/CT
10/2/2008 10:07:17 AM (4835 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - Scott Perry/PA
10/2/2008 10:19:53 AM (4806 views)

Reminder for Independent Agents - Robert Franco/OH
9/29/2008 11:46:39 AM (4728 views)

[+] Beware of Huntington Title & Contemporary Realty Solutions - Tiffany Abramowski/VA (1 reply)
9/28/2008 9:25:00 PM (3666 views)

[+] Class action case vs Titlestream - . APS/NY (5 replies)
9/26/2008 7:52:40 PM (3940 views)

[+] Have you heard of Hedge Fund Groups not allowing for verification of their Title/Closing Agent - jerry pennant/CA (2 replies)
9/26/2008 4:41:13 PM (3518 views)

[+] Question about Global Title Reporting Services - Richard Davis/TN (8 replies)
9/25/2008 5:22:21 PM (3893 views)

[+] ESS - Jason Knowles/AL (2 replies)
9/25/2008 4:53:33 PM (3642 views)

On Title is EXAMNET/ECOM - Brandon/MI
9/25/2008 11:01:19 AM (3069 views)

[+] DO NOT DO WORK FOR TITLE STREAM !!!! IF YOU WANT TO BE PAID ! - Tammy Skrzypek/FL (1 reply)
9/25/2008 7:53:17 AM (3400 views)

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