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[+] Can we file liens? - Kurt deVries/FL (1 reply)
10/15/2008 10:09:00 AM (3610 views)

[+] Pro Title - Barbara Kelley/PA (3 replies)
10/15/2008 8:32:12 AM (3711 views)

[+] Oil&Gas-Mineral - Kevin Curtiss/AL (2 replies)
10/14/2008 8:32:34 PM (3500 views)

[+] Freedom Search & Settlement, PA - JOSEPH EMERSON/MN (3 replies)
10/14/2008 3:50:43 PM (4512 views)

[+] Ireport contest-vote for us! - Kurt deVries/FL (1 reply)
10/14/2008 2:00:11 PM (5095 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Examnet - shame on us! - Kurt deVries/FL (53 replies)
10/14/2008 1:55:48 PM (4174 views)

[+] National 1 Source - Joyce/NM (4 replies)
10/14/2008 11:48:56 AM (3769 views)

[+] Collection Agencies - Danielle Nelson/WI (3 replies)
10/10/2008 5:06:18 PM (3707 views)

[+] two abstract errors, alot of extra work and a consumer who had to wait it out - Diane Cipa/PA (24 replies)
10/8/2008 8:03:45 PM (3925 views)

[+] Source of Title Maintenance Notice - Robert Franco/OH (1 reply)
10/8/2008 10:02:55 AM (3668 views)

[+] timios inc - John East/AL (4 replies)
10/7/2008 6:28:18 PM (4460 views)

[+] Your opinions please--paying signing agents up front - Ronda Roaring/NY (1 reply)
10/7/2008 5:24:02 PM (3596 views)

[+] MS Title - Smitty Strickland/SC (2 replies)
10/7/2008 10:33:53 AM (3693 views)

[+] Contact number for NALTEA - Edward Huguenin/SC (1 reply)
10/6/2008 6:57:06 PM (3347 views)

[-] Another Fee Reduction Request - Scott Perry/PA (12 replies)
10/6/2008 4:47:25 PM (4123 views)
Re: Another Fee Reduction Request - Joyce/NM
10/6/2008 4:55:46 PM (5103 views)
Re: Another Fee Reduction Request - Robert Franco/OH
10/6/2008 5:22:15 PM (5074 views)
Re: Another Fee Reduction Request - Helene /GA
10/6/2008 9:49:49 PM (5073 views)
Re: Another Fee Reduction Request - george Hubka/MI
10/7/2008 5:53:14 AM (5081 views)
Re: Another Fee Reduction Request - Scott Perry/PA
10/7/2008 6:47:35 AM (5076 views)
Re: Another Fee Reduction Request - Helene /GA
10/12/2008 2:54:11 PM (5018 views)

George,   If one didn't get the email then the fee reduction didn't directly affect them so it doesn't matter who it was.  It wasn't a pymnt. issue. Having done work for numerous VM's over the years, I understand that many will usually go with someone cheaper no matter how much they praise your work and even if you're not the one causing them problems.  It doesn't even matter how good a relationship you might have had with those, or how matter years you have been doing their work.  Most require E & O so I would think it doesn't matter to them whom they use as long as they get what they want when they want it!  Many companies have asked  for fee reductions or just outright stated them.  It's up to each to decide whether or not to accept them.  In this case, I didn't feel the fee decrease was justified for me to agree to it.  It wasn't worth it.  I know what I have to charge in order to make a profit.  I've learned not to take the VM's decisions personally. I treat their work the same as local clients.  I stick to my fees with them because even If I accept the cut, there will always be another who'll do it cheaper and so where would it end?  So if they dump me for someone cheaper, then they dump me!  If they come back and accept my fees, then I'll still return the same work caliber of work  I did before.

I know of many who accept fee cuts because these days they are hurtng worse than some; because running titles is all they have ever done and that is how they take care of their family.  I don't blame them for accepting cuts and I hope those are the ones who get the work others decline. The ones I do begrudge are those who call companies knowing others are doing the work and purposely cut the fee.  They are usually those who only got into the industry in the couple of years ago to make a quick buck and couldn't do a full search if their life depended on it.  There have also been some recent upstarts who charge 1/2 the fee knowing full well what the average is in each locality.   I don't care for them either.  To them a fee cut for me is an increase for them. 

I assure you I'm not "spineless".  I was probably too harsh; too general though.  And now I am getting long-winded.  I'll tell you though, it is my experience that when contact is made w/this or any other VM, they will  send  a form asking for your fees.  If you don't hear from them, chances are someone is already doing your counties for the same or cheaper.  I don't follow up and tell them I'll do it cheaper.  I wish you good luck. 

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Re: Another Fee Reduction Request - george Hubka/MI
10/13/2008 4:13:24 AM (4976 views)
Re: Another Fee Reduction Request - Helene /GA
10/14/2008 12:09:47 AM (5083 views)
Re: Another Fee Reduction Request - Robert Breakell/CT
10/7/2008 10:39:44 AM (5117 views)
Personal thought with no factual basis - Bobbi Shorthouse, Notary Public/CT
10/7/2008 1:16:40 PM (5011 views)
Re: Another Fee Reduction Request - Anita Backlund/MN
10/8/2008 9:29:30 PM (4988 views)
Re: Another Fee Reduction Request - george Hubka/MI
10/9/2008 6:16:51 AM (4945 views)

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