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JC Abstracting - Barbara Hamilton/CA
10/4/2008 4:36:04 PM (3406 views)

Upgrade notice for sourceoftitle.com - Slade Smith/OH
10/3/2008 4:48:37 PM (3230 views)

[+] The AfBA battle is on! - Robert Franco/OH (1 reply)
10/3/2008 4:27:46 PM (5363 views)

[+] Bankers Title Company - Gone - Frank NAVARRO/IL (1 reply)
10/2/2008 6:50:11 PM (4079 views)

[+] Any info on Abstractor listing websites? - Erin Carraway/NY (11 replies)
10/2/2008 1:11:58 PM (4235 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Questions on title companies & Leads - Erin Carraway/NY (9 replies)
10/2/2008 9:09:47 AM (4021 views)

[+] Info on Abstractors A Go Go - george Hubka/MI (10 replies)
10/1/2008 6:27:14 PM (4387 views)

[-] Bail Out Bill Defeated - Kevin Ahern/CT (19 replies)
9/29/2008 3:14:47 PM (3839 views)
Re: Bail Out Bill Defeated - Patrick Tarr/NE
9/29/2008 4:55:49 PM (5263 views)
Re: Bail Out Bill Defeated - Kevin Ahern/CT
9/29/2008 5:01:03 PM (5338 views)
Re: Bail Out Bill Defeated - Patrick Tarr/NE
9/29/2008 5:30:50 PM (5126 views)
Re: Bail Out Bill Defeated - Robert Franco/OH
9/30/2008 11:22:53 AM (5103 views)
Re: Bail Out Bill Defeated - Kevin Ahern/CT
9/30/2008 12:37:19 PM (5166 views)
Re: Bail Out Bill Defeated - Robert Franco/OH
9/30/2008 1:41:06 PM (4975 views)
Re: Bail Out Bill Defeated - Kurt deVries/FL
10/1/2008 9:11:53 AM (4923 views)
Re: Bail Out Bill Defeated - Patrick Tarr/NE
9/30/2008 2:38:07 PM (5014 views)
I'm for the KISS solution... - Bobbi Shorthouse, Notary Public/CT
10/1/2008 11:01:05 AM (5043 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - Kevin Ahern/CT
10/1/2008 1:20:07 PM (4983 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - Janis Talbot/SC
10/1/2008 6:17:01 PM (5094 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - george Hubka/MI
10/1/2008 6:33:32 PM (4951 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - Patrick Tarr/NE
10/2/2008 1:29:13 AM (4945 views)

i agree with you 100% janis!  you had one senator vote against this (demint) and one vote for it (graham).  i met graham at our state convention in 2004 and that little midget came off like an effeminate, elitist jerk in my opinion.  i am sad to say both my senators voted for it.  i would never vote for tom harkin anyway, but chuck grassley lost my support forever.  at least my congressman steve king is standing on principle.  i can walk into his office here in town anytime and his staff is always friendly and always willing to talk about issues.  the first time i met him, he came up to me and another person as we were talking.  he stood there and listened, not interrupting.  imagine that, a politician who listens to what his constituents have to say!  what a remarkable concept!  as far as paulson goes, prison is too good for him.  mark my words, the course of this nation will change forever if this bill now passes in the house.  the sovereignty of the united states will take another massive hit by the globalists.  sadly, too many people dont care as long as they have a bmw in their driveway.

"if the american people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property, until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."     thomas jefferson

"it is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, i believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning"    henry ford

"who controls money controls the world"     henry kissinger

"give me control of a nations money supply, and i care not who makes its laws"   mayer rothschild

"the new world order will be built... an end run on national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault"     council on foreign relations journal 1974, page 558


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Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - Kevin Ahern/CT
10/2/2008 7:35:53 AM (4972 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - Scott Perry/PA
10/2/2008 9:00:46 AM (7324 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - Kevin Ahern/CT
10/2/2008 9:08:39 AM (4819 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - Scott Perry/PA
10/2/2008 9:52:41 AM (4945 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - Kevin Ahern/CT
10/2/2008 10:07:17 AM (4837 views)
Re: I'm for the KISS solution... - Scott Perry/PA
10/2/2008 10:19:53 AM (4807 views)

Reminder for Independent Agents - Robert Franco/OH
9/29/2008 11:46:39 AM (4728 views)

[+] Beware of Huntington Title & Contemporary Realty Solutions - Tiffany Abramowski/VA (1 reply)
9/28/2008 9:25:00 PM (3666 views)

[+] Class action case vs Titlestream - . APS/NY (5 replies)
9/26/2008 7:52:40 PM (3940 views)

[+] Have you heard of Hedge Fund Groups not allowing for verification of their Title/Closing Agent - jerry pennant/CA (2 replies)
9/26/2008 4:41:13 PM (3518 views)

[+] Question about Global Title Reporting Services - Richard Davis/TN (8 replies)
9/25/2008 5:22:21 PM (3893 views)

[+] ESS - Jason Knowles/AL (2 replies)
9/25/2008 4:53:33 PM (3642 views)

On Title is EXAMNET/ECOM - Brandon/MI
9/25/2008 11:01:19 AM (3069 views)

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