Thanks David....I will look into it more. I love doing research!! There are just too many darn topics!!! I do know that with your name and b-date thieves can get your ss#, DL# and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Yaknow, I need to mention to my neighbors too as we just had our first - creating stages- block watch meeting (long story there). Anyway, the Cop that came to speak with us gave out ultraviolet pens and instructed us to note our SS#'s on our TVs and things that are commonly stolen in a break in. Can you believe that??????? That way if the items are recovered the cops can return it.
Like the ding dang criminal won't have a frickin black light to use to read off the numbers (which, i have not tested but assume would work as it lites up wisk detergent pretty good). The idiots that actually did it.
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