Hi Robert.
Thank you for your suggestion. I have seen those items on the side but never pursued reading them. I am not very computer literate but hey, I just figured out how to order pictures from my camera via on-line through Walgreens, view the prints, pay for the prints and then have the pics waiting to be picked up for family members at their local Walgreens in a completely different state! Trust me - the theme song from Rocky was playing in my head when I hit the send button and it actually worked out perfectly.
I will do my homework and start a blog. If anything, it can be a source viewed and contributed to by all when we come across avenues (a library so to speak) for pursuing non-payers, "criminals" as Jessica accurately refers them by. I think the more prepared we are with the resources available to us , the quicker these deadbeats will have to be accountable for their actions and hopefully out of business before someone else gets taken.
Wishing you all a very blessed Thanksgiving with family, friends and football, of course. And, may all our turkeys come out moist!!
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