Try or to compare credit cards. I use online banking from my credit union to pay bills and it is great. You have proof of payment, even if they mail a check. It has saved me many a late charge (postage too). Some credit card companies will post your payment as late if you mail it yourself even if they rec'd on the due date because they say didn't open their mail until after a certain time. While a busy website, you can find alot of info at He has alot of info on how credit card companies are currently ripping people off. I also pay off my cards every month and have scheduled payment just one day before on my online banking for Discover & AmEx and have not been charged a late charge. In a pinch, when I've forgotten to pay a credit card and remember on the night before or the day it was due, I've gone to a credit card's own website and made a one time payment & it was posted right away.
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