Do you really think "the Big 4" care two cents about us? All they care about is how much money they can make - profit before quality. Independent Title Agents have been feeling this pain for many years, ever since the invention of AfBA's and look how long it has taken for us to mobilize and pull together as a united front to try to combat these AfBA's. I find this situation (off shoring) to be very similar. Long story short .... lost jobs due to forces out of our control or so we thought.
I am sure there are more than just Indians that use the 35=10 rule. It is discouraging that Americans are viewed that way but seriously, look at it from there point of view. How many under educated people have you come across in your time. I can't even think of an accurate number there are so many here. I once had a client tell me that I needed to use smaller words because they couldn't understand me and were offended that I would speak to them in such a maner. They reminded me, in not such a nice way, that they don't do this (refi) everday and have no clue as to the terms I was using. Now, for those of you that do closings can you help me here?? I was so stunned I could barely continue. I wasn't sure what to do because I thought I had broken it down to the simplest form I could. I politely ate crow and attempted to scale down the vocab to one they could follow along with.
Our education system is not very good and needs major help - completely off the subject but could be one reason why non-americans view us in such a poor light. After all aren't we just a bunch of warmongers anyway. I believe that is also a favorite view from other Countries after we save them from their own crappy governments (use that term loosely) and terrorists while all along helping them to rebuild their countries and economies while pushing ours into the toilet.
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