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[+] Abstractor Pro software - Kurt deVries/FL (9 replies)
3/23/2021 2:55:25 PM (2144 views)

[+] ...Really...? - William Duncan/SC (6 replies)
3/22/2021 4:01:06 PM (1765 views)

[+] "Title theft" myth persists - Alix Ott/MI (8 replies)
3/17/2021 6:53:36 AM (1871 views)

[+] Abstractor Watchdog - DEBRA ALLEN/KS (10 replies)
3/16/2021 11:46:52 AM (2422 views)

[-] Best resource for Solar/Oil&Gas? - William Duncan/CA (5 replies)
2/28/2021 1:22:49 PM (1436 views)
Re: Best resource for Solar/Oil&Gas? - Anita Backlund/MN
3/1/2021 12:29:41 PM (1854 views)
Re: Best resource for Solar/Oil&Gas? - William Duncan/CA
3/1/2021 12:42:40 PM (1892 views)
Re: Best resource for Solar/Oil&Gas? - Alix Ott/MI
3/17/2021 6:49:52 AM (1700 views)
Re: Best resource for Solar/Oil&Gas? - Alix Ott/MI
3/22/2021 8:13:18 AM (1594 views)
Re: Best resource for Solar/Oil&Gas? - Anita Backlund/MN
3/22/2021 2:31:51 PM (1675 views)

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Alix!  

I agree with Alix that solar/wind/wireless telecommunications are more closely related than oil and gas searching.  I have done them all at one point or another during my career (including railroad searches - UGHHH). I also agree that every state has their own "quirks" as it pertains to land records and their pertinent statutes.

Solar/Wind/Wireless telecommunication searches are much more closely related to right of way searching than oil and gas. 

Oil and gas searching is closer to creating a full abstract that used to be used prior to title insurance wherein a "continuation" search was performed after the abstractor received the prior abstract, which always went back to Patent (most states, but not Pennsylvania  where it is called a Warrant after the Revolutionary War and Pennsylvania became a Commonwealth, but I digress).  As each new party purchased the property, their information was added to the abstract.  

Right of way abstracting is generally a 30-50 year search, with a search for easements may go back 100 years to ensure there is no conflict for the new easement the utility is looking to place for their infrastructure. 

Solar/Wind/Wireless telecommunication is a hybrid of sorts in that there is usually a long term lease for the actual structures, together with an easement for their underground infrastructure. 

Of course, most of us know the requirements from the client for residential and "normal" commercial searches. 

I hope that Reader's Digest explanation of the differences between these normal requirements for each type of search,  

Will - and that is why I asked which states you were looking for information.  Unfortunately, Georgia is one of the few states I have not worked.  

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Real Title Services

GOOD DAY - William Duncan/CA
2/23/2021 10:24:06 AM (1946 views)

[+] Blue Title 365 - Serena Stout/VA (6 replies)
2/18/2021 10:07:48 AM (2328 views)

Need probate atty in Orlando FL - Stephanie Guilliams/VA
2/15/2021 12:36:16 PM (1677 views)

[+] JG Weiss Research - Roberta Dean/IN (4 replies)
2/14/2021 8:46:25 PM (2041 views)

[+] CPI Data - Jay Duncan/MO (1 reply)
2/12/2021 8:45:43 AM (1610 views)

[+] Sanrit Technologies, LLC - Joni Bargel/MN (7 replies)
2/9/2021 1:51:41 PM (1687 views)

[+] PAYER OR NOT - Saundra  Scott/MD (6 replies)
2/5/2021 4:37:44 PM (1829 views)

[+] Payment Terms = Payment Up Front - David Beloff/VA (6 replies)
2/5/2021 10:56:52 AM (1717 views)

[+] SN Titles - Dan Zook/NY (3 replies)
2/3/2021 12:27:32 PM (1795 views)

Worker's Comp Insurance Pool? - Angela Sharp/CA
2/2/2021 9:30:05 PM (1301 views)

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