We use DocuPen. The concept is good, and it produces a fair image where copies cannot be made, old plat books, etc. For day-to-day use, we found that the image quality is too unreliable. Sometimes, it looks 80% like a photocopy; other times, there are squiggles and beaks in the image; and other times, other problems. To use it, you must be very slow, patient and methodical. Even then, you can come back to the office with a pen-full of images, ready to put together your report, only to find that half of the images are no good. It would be best to download images to a laptop then-and-there, to assure they are legible. We have saved enough money using it to justify its cost, however. We bought top-of-line for around $300, for all add'l software, color capabilities, etc. We bought ours from the manufacturer, Planon, which has a website, and are nice to work with.
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