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11/23/2008 7:49:34 PM (3643 views)

[+] And now you have been stiffed ! - Susan /IL (16 replies)
11/22/2008 12:02:06 PM (5499 views)

Alternate methods of payment - Susan /IL
11/22/2008 11:23:57 AM (2923 views)

[+] What to do? - Helene /GA (11 replies)
11/20/2008 11:35:28 PM (3740 views)

[+] We had a deadbeat client arrested! - Alix Ott/MI (6 replies)
11/20/2008 12:32:53 PM (3958 views)

Real Title Services

11/19/2008 8:59:13 PM (3967 views)

Senate Grilling Bankers Right Now! - David Bloys/TX
11/18/2008 9:38:35 AM (3024 views)

[+] Is there any way a poll can be posted? - James "Lin" Toney/MS (7 replies)
11/15/2008 8:14:09 PM (3619 views)

[-] Keep an eye on your credit card interest rate! - Dan Zook/NY (14 replies)
11/14/2008 3:30:01 PM (3655 views)
Re: Keep an eye on your credit card interest rate! - Clanci Nelson/OH
11/14/2008 3:57:22 PM (4191 views)
Re: Keep an eye on your credit card interest rate! - george Hubka/MI
11/17/2008 6:46:40 AM (4176 views)
Re: Keep an eye on your credit card interest rate! - Dan Zook/NY
11/17/2008 1:01:52 PM (4095 views)
Re: Keep an eye on your credit card interest rate! - J Nisonger/CA
11/19/2008 3:30:04 PM (3972 views)
Re: Keep an eye on your credit card interest rate! - William Hess/AL
11/17/2008 9:46:53 AM (4163 views)
Re: Keep an eye on your credit card interest rate! - Clanci Nelson/OH
11/17/2008 11:46:54 AM (4110 views)
Re: Keep an eye on your credit card interest rate! - Dan Zook/NY
11/17/2008 1:00:35 PM (4105 views)
Re: Keep an eye on your credit card interest rate! - Clanci Nelson/OH
11/17/2008 1:03:14 PM (4060 views)
Re: Keep an eye on your credit card interest rate! - Dan Zook/NY
11/17/2008 2:25:56 PM (4016 views)
Re: Keep an eye on your credit card interest rate! - Robert Franco/OH
11/17/2008 2:39:34 PM (4096 views)
Re: Keep an eye on your credit card interest rate! - Dan Zook/NY
11/17/2008 12:58:53 PM (4004 views)
Re: Keep an eye on your credit card interest rate! - Helene /GA
11/18/2008 10:19:42 PM (4075 views)
Re: Keep an eye on your credit card interest rate! - Clanci Nelson/OH
12/4/2008 2:12:47 PM (4722 views)
Your not alone Dan - David Bloys/TX
11/20/2008 6:22:16 PM (5970 views)

Your not alone Dan, thousands (probably millions) of Americans have found themselves caught in the credit card companie well laid out plan. There is a lobbying group that is striking back and some legislation coming forward. The banks hate it which makes me think it's probably good legislation for the American consumer. Predatory lenders launched an attack on the American economy, now the credit card companies have moved in to to bayonet the survivors.

I just got the following email from a lobbying group and thought you might be interested.

After getting hundreds of billions from taxpayers, banks want to reach into your pocket again.

You accepted credit cards based on the terms and conditions offered to you. You held up your end, fair and square, but banks dug themselves into a hole. Now they want another bailout directly from you—by jacking up your credit card interest and hitting you with fees.

Lawmakers are back in Washington. Tell them to stop the switcheroo.

Over the past decade, credit card banks offered us trillions more in credit than we actually wanted. Sending dozens of offers a year by mail, hawking cards to college students without regard to their ability to pay, and offering ever more attractive balance transfer deals, they captured millions of new customers.

Now they want to switch the deal--just because they can.

The House has already passed a strong bill--thanks in part to your strong support. Now, it's up to the Senate. The Senate bill will stop the banks from hiking interest rates and fees on your credit card balances for no reason. It will require banks to allocate a portion of your payment to higher-interest balances. And it will finally set some limits on giving credit cards to young people.

Show your support for this good proposal.

The proposal is tough, and the banks don't like it. But they already got what they wanted--$700 billion taxpayer dollars to bail them out from their own mistakes. American card holders aren't asking for a bailout...just a fair system so they can reasonably pay down their debt.

Once you have taken a moment to support sensible reforms to rein in the credit card companies, please take another moment to forward this e-mail to anyone you know who uses credit cards so they can help, too!

Pam Banks
A project of Consumers Union
1101 17th Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036

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[+] P&W Title Examination Services, LLC - Brad Bradbury/PA (3 replies)
11/14/2008 10:33:57 AM (5132 views)

[+] Rocky Point Title dba Advantage Title Solutions - Elizabeth Helman/PA (1 reply)
11/13/2008 6:03:36 PM (3787 views)

11/13/2008 3:51:04 PM (3751 views)

11/13/2008 1:15:52 PM (4487 views)

11/12/2008 4:39:56 PM (3428 views)

[+] Land America bought by Fidelity - Kristi Lee/NE (8 replies)
11/12/2008 10:05:21 AM (4803 views)

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