I KNOW - I know - give it up right......I think the Pirates are hijacking the oil tankers.....
Seriously, tho, it is late in the administration you are right but the truth still remains the truth as I see it anyway. I know there are many people who don't agree with me and it is one of my many "crazy" views of the world. I have tons of theories but they are just that theories, like the War they are subject to personal view. :)
Hope I didn't upset too many people - not the intent just to get our minds thinking again. When people get stuck in the rut of fear the mind tends to shut down and you motor through the day watching the news. The same news that scares everyone in almost every aspect of life - what we eat, how we take care of ourselves, oh and my fav - driving in the ice storm that we never even got!!!
We need to take care of Mother Earth tho which was the original intent of the posts here. I do apologize for going of tangent a bit. If we don't our childrens children won't be able to enjoy it the way we do.
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