How about this for perspective?
A grid tie in solar panel costs approximately $985 a piece.
100,000,000 (million) solar panels would run $98,500,000,000.00 (billion)
According to the 2001 Census results there are roughly 120,000,000 homes in the US.
Take into consideration the existing nuclear power plants tied into the grid, coupled with 100M solar cells in the middle of the SW Desert, we could within a short time, eradicate our dependence on foreign oil.
But instead we would rather throw $600B to companies that don't create anything. Take all those folks on Wall Street and Corporate America, let them lose their jobs, move them out to the desert and give them jobs installing and cleaning solar panels.
By the way, if I were President, this would happen instantly, and I would also try and pass laws that made all vehicles electric by 2020. Feel free to write me in in 2012.
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