Ah... I can see where our opinoins differ, now. I see giving the people money more like giving the financial sector money. It is just a hand-out. Although, I think you are right... it would probably do more good to give money to the people than it did to give it to the banks. But, instead of either of those options, I like the idea of using the money to create jobs through public works programs. I think you get more bang for you buck if you create jobs rather than just dole out money.
And, not everyone needs $3,500. Some don't need anything... and others need so much more that it probably wouldn't help them. Using the money to create jobs allows those that need one to get one. And, I think that is more in line with the American principal of allowing one to help himself. I'd rather give someone a job than just give him money - even if we the taxpayers are paying for it either way.
Robert A. Franco
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