I got on Face Book a couple of months ago. I am still trying to grasp the business value. It's been good for seeing what old friends are up to, but you pretty much have to know people already before they can even see your profile - or for you to see theirs.
There is an abstractors group on there. I suppose there may be some groups that could help make some new client contacts, but I have not found any yet (not that I've really been looking, just mastly enjoying the reconnect with old pals).
Active Rain has a good setup for hooking up with potential clients. There are a lot of people posting a lot of blogs to a lot of groups. You have to weed through a lot of crap, but there is some good reading to be had if you look for it.
Everybody on Active rain is pretty much chasing after their desired business partner. So, if you want to find a notary, look on the title insurance groups. If you want to find title people, look on the mortgage brokers and real estate agents groups. You won't find too many in depth discussions. Mostly self-serving blogs targeted to potential customers, and replys like "great post, thanks for sharing". You get points for posting blogs and for replying, so there's a lot of that stuff.
The best site I know of where cusotmers actually come to find vendors is Source of Title. The other sites don't have any real depth. So really, Dan, you've been home the whole time and didn't even know it.
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