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Richmond Title - Constance Foye/VA
1/13/2009 10:10:58 AM (2921 views)
Re: Richmond Title - J Allen/NC
1/14/2009 11:14:37 AM (3160 views)

American Abstract - Constance Foye/VA
1/13/2009 10:08:02 AM (2843 views)
Re: American Abstract - Robert Franco/OH
1/13/2009 10:25:52 AM (3023 views)

I think it would be more convenient to put the company name in the subject line.  However, the search terms you enter will match what is in the body of the post, as well as the subject line.  The convenience comes from the fact that it would be easier to find relevant posts in the search results if the company name was in the subject line.

And... here are some search tips to help you with your searches in the future.

Advanced Search Tips

For searches of more than one word, the default beahvior of search is to find all results which contain any of the words.  For instance, searching for

title company pittsburgh pennsylvania

will return results that contain any of the words "title", "company", "pittsburgh", and "pennsylvania".  The search will make an attempt to list the most relevant results at the top, but you might get more results than you really want with this kind of search. 

Fortunately, there are several advanced searching techniques which can be used to obtain more precise search results for combinations of words.

If you want to find only those results which contain all of the words in a search, use the AND operator or precede words you want to require with +.  For instance

title +company +pittsburgh

returns only results which contain all three of the words "title", "company", and "pittsburgh".  The same results will also be returned by

title AND company AND pittsburgh

You can also exclude words with the NOT operator or by preceding the words to exclude with -.  For instance

pittsburgh -pennsylvania

will return results which contain the word "pittsburgh" but not the word "pennsylvania".  The same results will be returned by

pittsburgh NOT pennsylvania

You can search for exact phrases by containing a group of words in quotes.  For instance:

"title company in pittsburgh pennsylvania"

will return only results with that exact phrase.

You can use the wild card character * to return all results which contain a word that starts with a given series of letters.  For instance


will return all results which contain "pittsburgh", "pittsburg", and "pittston".

Any or all of these techniques can be used in combination to create more complex searches.  For instance

"title company" +pitts* -"title abstractor"

will return all results which contain the phrase "title company" and at least one word that starts with "pitts", but not the phrase "title abstractor".


Special Tokens:

There are a few special tokens that allow you to refine your search by criteria other than the text of the message. 

You can search for the content of a particular author, by including a token of the form author:"author name" in your search.  For instance

"title company" author:"robert franco"

will return results written by Robert Franco that contain the phrase "title company".

You can also narrow your search by the date of the post-- finding only messages before or after a certain date-- by including a token of the forms before:YYYY/MM/DD and/or after:YYYY/MM/DD, where YYYY is a 4-digit year, MM is a 2-digit month, and DD is a 2-digit day of the month. For instance

"title company" before:2007/01/31 after:2007/01/01

will return results containing the phrase "title company" written in January 2007.


Other useful stuff to know:

--Searches encompass the text of both the title and the body of posts.

--Searches are case insensitive.  Don't worry about capitalizing everything the same as what you are searching for.

--Words three letters long or less are ignored by search, unless they are part of a longer phrase contained in quotes.  For instance

title company in pitsburgh pennsylvania

will totally ignore the word "in".

--If any operator is used in the search, and no operator is applied to the first word or phrase in the search, the first word or phrase in the search is assumed to be required.  For instance,

"title company" +pittsburgh +pennsylvania

is exactly equivalent to

+"title company" +pittsburgh +pennsylvania

--A maximum of 100 results are returned by a search.  If you get 100 results, you should not assume that you have obtained all matching results, and you may want to refine your search.

Robert A. Franco


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Re: American Abstract - Jessica Talley/NJ
1/13/2009 10:55:51 AM (2998 views)

1/12/2009 1:56:37 PM (2577 views)

National TitleNet - Samantha Martin/AL
1/12/2009 11:11:36 AM (2469 views)

Old Republic Title - J Allen/NC
1/9/2009 5:27:51 PM (3614 views)
Re: Old Republic Title - Jessica Talley/NJ
1/9/2009 9:00:43 PM (3497 views)
Re: Old Republic Title - CD/AL
1/12/2009 7:32:23 AM (3365 views)
Color me jealous! - Dan Zook/NY
1/12/2009 10:45:10 AM (3348 views)
Re: Old Republic Title - David Keeling/TX
1/12/2009 8:56:46 AM (3525 views)
Re: Old Republic Title - Jean Lurtsema/AK
1/12/2009 11:49:08 AM (3476 views)
Re: Old Republic Title - Sheila Sten/PA
1/12/2009 11:55:58 AM (3128 views)
Re: Old Republic Title - William Pattison /CA
1/12/2009 12:25:05 PM (3181 views)
Re: Old Republic Title - john franz/NJ
1/12/2009 3:58:36 PM (3239 views)
Re: Old Republic Title - Jean Allen/NC
1/14/2009 11:19:03 AM (3138 views)

Real Title Services

25 year searches - john rutledge/VA
1/9/2009 8:41:33 AM (3256 views)
Re: 25 year searches - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
1/9/2009 12:20:25 PM (3275 views)
Re: 25 year searches - martha campbell/VA
1/12/2009 7:55:56 AM (3123 views)
Re: 25 year searches - David Keeling/TX
1/12/2009 9:02:53 AM (3153 views)
Re: 25 year searches - john franz/NJ
1/12/2009 11:21:10 AM (3020 views)
david keeling - Kevin Curtiss/AL
1/18/2009 9:46:13 PM (3239 views)
Re: david keeling - David Keeling/TX
1/26/2009 9:24:45 PM (2967 views)
Re: david keeling - Kevin Curtiss/AL
1/26/2009 10:20:22 PM (3226 views)
Re: 25 year searches - Jean Lurtsema/AK
1/12/2009 11:55:00 AM (2912 views)
Re: 25 year searches - Jean Lurtsema/AK
1/12/2009 11:58:44 AM (2943 views)
Re: 25 year searches - Robert Franco/OH
1/12/2009 12:19:13 PM (3009 views)
Secret Shopper - Clanci Nelson/OH
1/12/2009 12:56:53 PM (3033 views)
Re: 25 year searches - CHRISTIE NIELSEN/ID
1/12/2009 1:49:13 PM (2894 views)
Re: 25 year searches - PHILIP YIANILOS/VA
1/24/2009 11:05:14 AM (2924 views)
Re: 25 year searches - Tracy /PA
1/29/2009 4:02:43 PM (2908 views)

Anyone do work for NPR Services? - Debbie Thibodeaux/LA
1/8/2009 7:45:53 PM (3053 views)
Re: Anyone do work for NPR Services? - Nils Nelson/ME
1/8/2009 8:14:20 PM (3262 views)
Re: Anyone do work for NPR Services? - Debbie Thibodeaux/LA
1/9/2009 3:40:15 PM (3003 views)
Re: Anyone do work for NPR Services? - David Keeling/TX
1/12/2009 9:36:07 PM (2996 views)

Data Retrieval Services - Susan McKee/WV
1/8/2009 2:52:00 PM (3117 views)
Re: Data Retrieval Services - Jessica Talley/NJ
1/8/2009 8:26:18 PM (3041 views)
Re: Data Retrieval Services - Susan McKee/WV
1/8/2009 8:53:56 PM (3195 views)

Accurate Group- PA - Patrick/NY
1/8/2009 1:39:12 PM (3103 views)
Re: Accurate Group- PA - Samantha Martin/AL
1/12/2009 11:09:01 AM (3079 views)
Re: Accurate Group- PA - Tracy/PA
1/29/2009 4:06:04 PM (2854 views)

1/8/2009 11:49:41 AM (3495 views)
1/12/2009 11:41:40 AM (3211 views)
1/12/2009 1:18:46 PM (3269 views)

What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - David Bloys/TX
1/8/2009 11:17:51 AM (2999 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - Robert Franco/OH
1/8/2009 11:39:08 AM (3113 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - David Bloys/TX
1/8/2009 12:12:10 PM (3006 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - Robert Franco/OH
1/8/2009 12:49:49 PM (2915 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - Kurt deVries/FL
1/8/2009 2:12:29 PM (2870 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - David Bloys/TX
1/8/2009 3:53:48 PM (2699 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - Robert Franco/OH
1/8/2009 4:01:49 PM (2642 views)
It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/8/2009 6:36:46 PM (2643 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Slade Smith/OH
1/8/2009 8:27:20 PM (2691 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/8/2009 11:44:54 PM (2773 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Robert Franco/OH
1/9/2009 10:41:35 AM (2745 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/9/2009 11:35:59 AM (2592 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Robert Franco/OH
1/9/2009 1:04:37 PM (2712 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/9/2009 1:21:48 PM (2709 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Robert Franco/OH
1/9/2009 1:48:00 PM (2571 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/9/2009 2:22:17 PM (2702 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Robert Franco/OH
1/9/2009 2:31:29 PM (2651 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/9/2009 2:55:15 PM (2527 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/9/2009 1:37:15 PM (2550 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Robert Franco/OH
1/9/2009 2:03:22 PM (4605 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/9/2009 2:45:46 PM (2607 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Robert Franco/OH
1/9/2009 2:58:45 PM (4879 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/9/2009 4:32:03 PM (2660 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - john franz/NJ
1/12/2009 11:39:16 AM (2548 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Clanci Nelson/OH
1/12/2009 1:00:19 PM (2719 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/12/2009 1:21:44 PM (2658 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/12/2009 1:17:45 PM (2680 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Clanci Nelson/OH
1/12/2009 2:54:57 PM (2730 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - john franz/NJ
1/12/2009 3:29:50 PM (2831 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/12/2009 4:16:47 PM (5271 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - john franz/NJ
1/16/2009 3:02:53 PM (2679 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Robert Franco/OH
1/16/2009 3:07:53 PM (2717 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/16/2009 3:09:19 PM (2623 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/16/2009 4:10:20 PM (2790 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/12/2009 4:16:48 PM (2677 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - michael quinn/NY
1/12/2009 2:59:55 PM (2664 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - john franz/NJ
1/12/2009 3:42:41 PM (2779 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - michael quinn/NY
1/12/2009 4:41:31 PM (2677 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/9/2009 1:47:25 PM (2483 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Jessica Talley/NJ
1/11/2009 7:55:24 PM (2532 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - Slade Smith/OH
1/8/2009 7:59:05 PM (2631 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - Patrick Scott/IL
1/8/2009 8:29:46 PM (2534 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - Slade Smith/OH
1/8/2009 10:10:39 PM (2610 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - Robert Franco/OH
1/9/2009 10:55:16 AM (2486 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - Clanci Nelson/OH
1/9/2009 4:42:03 PM (2502 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - john franz/NJ
1/12/2009 3:52:53 PM (2741 views)

What were they thinking... - Robert Franco/OH
1/8/2009 12:04:47 AM (3203 views)
Re: What were they thinking... - Deborah Manion/VA
1/8/2009 1:25:14 PM (3013 views)
Re: What were they thinking... - William Pattison /CA
1/12/2009 12:30:12 PM (2723 views)

Title Stream - Rich Martin/ME
1/7/2009 9:46:53 PM (3682 views)
Re: Title Stream - James "Lin" Toney/MS
1/7/2009 10:23:29 PM (3125 views)
Re: Title Stream - no relation to TS Associates - Dan Zook/NY
1/8/2009 11:32:26 AM (3152 views)

A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Sheila Sten/PA
1/7/2009 1:28:03 PM (3232 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Sheila Sten/PA
1/16/2009 4:16:24 PM (2919 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Robert Franco/OH
1/16/2009 4:19:36 PM (2898 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Scott Perry/PA
1/16/2009 4:26:05 PM (3239 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Sheila Sten/PA
1/16/2009 6:54:28 PM (2948 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Patrick Scott/IL
1/16/2009 8:32:11 PM (2950 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Sheila Sten/PA
1/16/2009 10:10:59 PM (2976 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Scott Perry/PA
1/16/2009 10:10:57 PM (2873 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Sheila Sten/PA
1/16/2009 10:11:46 PM (3097 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/17/2009 10:40:55 AM (2964 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Robert Franco/OH
1/17/2009 12:06:43 PM (2849 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/17/2009 12:45:30 PM (2821 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Sheila Sten/PA
1/17/2009 8:05:14 PM (2795 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Clanci Nelson/OH
1/19/2009 2:13:27 PM (2811 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Tracy/PA
1/29/2009 4:10:40 PM (2670 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Sheila Sten/PA
2/25/2009 11:20:50 PM (2555 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Sheila Sten/PA
4/5/2009 8:05:01 AM (2528 views)
update A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Sheila Sten/PA
7/30/2009 1:51:58 PM (2425 views)

scope of search beginning date - Nathan Miller/KY
1/6/2009 7:54:26 PM (3071 views)
Re: scope of search beginning date - THURBER & ASSOCIATES INC THURBER/ME
1/6/2009 9:34:28 PM (3154 views)
Start date ... - Bobbi Shorthouse, Notary Public/CT
1/7/2009 7:55:36 AM (3202 views)
Re: scope of search beginning date - James "Lin" Toney/MS
1/7/2009 10:02:10 AM (3076 views)
Re: scope of search beginning date - Robert Franco/OH
1/7/2009 1:43:09 PM (3086 views)
Re: scope of search beginning date - Patrick Scott/IL
1/7/2009 11:06:09 PM (3161 views)
Re: scope of search beginning date - David Keeling/TX
1/12/2009 8:57:07 PM (2718 views)
Re: scope of search beginning date - Kenneth Signor/SC
1/12/2009 8:13:11 AM (2760 views)
Re: scope of search beginning date - James "Lin" Toney/MS
1/12/2009 8:55:47 PM (2739 views)
Re: scope of search beginning date - William Pattison /CA
1/12/2009 12:14:16 PM (2905 views)
Re: scope of search beginning date - James "Lin" Toney/MS
1/12/2009 8:58:58 PM (2685 views)

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June 04 2024
We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
Cameron...[more info]

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