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Richmond Title - Constance Foye/VA
1/13/2009 10:10:58 AM (2921 views)
Re: Richmond Title - J Allen/NC
1/14/2009 11:14:37 AM (3160 views)

American Abstract - Constance Foye/VA
1/13/2009 10:08:02 AM (2843 views)
Re: American Abstract - Robert Franco/OH
1/13/2009 10:25:52 AM (3024 views)
Re: American Abstract - Jessica Talley/NJ
1/13/2009 10:55:51 AM (2999 views)

1/12/2009 1:56:37 PM (2577 views)

National TitleNet - Samantha Martin/AL
1/12/2009 11:11:36 AM (2469 views)

Old Republic Title - J Allen/NC
1/9/2009 5:27:51 PM (3614 views)
Re: Old Republic Title - Jessica Talley/NJ
1/9/2009 9:00:43 PM (3498 views)
Re: Old Republic Title - CD/AL
1/12/2009 7:32:23 AM (3366 views)
Color me jealous! - Dan Zook/NY
1/12/2009 10:45:10 AM (3349 views)
Re: Old Republic Title - David Keeling/TX
1/12/2009 8:56:46 AM (3526 views)
Re: Old Republic Title - Jean Lurtsema/AK
1/12/2009 11:49:08 AM (3477 views)
Re: Old Republic Title - Sheila Sten/PA
1/12/2009 11:55:58 AM (3129 views)
Re: Old Republic Title - William Pattison /CA
1/12/2009 12:25:05 PM (3183 views)
Re: Old Republic Title - john franz/NJ
1/12/2009 3:58:36 PM (3239 views)
Re: Old Republic Title - Jean Allen/NC
1/14/2009 11:19:03 AM (3138 views)

Real Title Services

25 year searches - john rutledge/VA
1/9/2009 8:41:33 AM (3256 views)
Re: 25 year searches - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
1/9/2009 12:20:25 PM (3276 views)
Re: 25 year searches - martha campbell/VA
1/12/2009 7:55:56 AM (3124 views)
Re: 25 year searches - David Keeling/TX
1/12/2009 9:02:53 AM (3154 views)
Re: 25 year searches - john franz/NJ
1/12/2009 11:21:10 AM (3021 views)
david keeling - Kevin Curtiss/AL
1/18/2009 9:46:13 PM (3240 views)
Re: david keeling - David Keeling/TX
1/26/2009 9:24:45 PM (2968 views)
Re: david keeling - Kevin Curtiss/AL
1/26/2009 10:20:22 PM (3226 views)
Re: 25 year searches - Jean Lurtsema/AK
1/12/2009 11:55:00 AM (2913 views)
Re: 25 year searches - Jean Lurtsema/AK
1/12/2009 11:58:44 AM (2944 views)
Re: 25 year searches - Robert Franco/OH
1/12/2009 12:19:13 PM (3010 views)
Secret Shopper - Clanci Nelson/OH
1/12/2009 12:56:53 PM (3035 views)
Re: 25 year searches - CHRISTIE NIELSEN/ID
1/12/2009 1:49:13 PM (2895 views)
Re: 25 year searches - PHILIP YIANILOS/VA
1/24/2009 11:05:14 AM (2925 views)
Re: 25 year searches - Tracy /PA
1/29/2009 4:02:43 PM (2911 views)

Anyone do work for NPR Services? - Debbie Thibodeaux/LA
1/8/2009 7:45:53 PM (3053 views)
Re: Anyone do work for NPR Services? - Nils Nelson/ME
1/8/2009 8:14:20 PM (3263 views)
Re: Anyone do work for NPR Services? - Debbie Thibodeaux/LA
1/9/2009 3:40:15 PM (3004 views)
Re: Anyone do work for NPR Services? - David Keeling/TX
1/12/2009 9:36:07 PM (2996 views)

Data Retrieval Services - Susan McKee/WV
1/8/2009 2:52:00 PM (3117 views)
Re: Data Retrieval Services - Jessica Talley/NJ
1/8/2009 8:26:18 PM (3042 views)
Re: Data Retrieval Services - Susan McKee/WV
1/8/2009 8:53:56 PM (3196 views)

Accurate Group- PA - Patrick/NY
1/8/2009 1:39:12 PM (3103 views)
Re: Accurate Group- PA - Samantha Martin/AL
1/12/2009 11:09:01 AM (3080 views)
Re: Accurate Group- PA - Tracy/PA
1/29/2009 4:06:04 PM (2854 views)

1/8/2009 11:49:41 AM (3495 views)
1/12/2009 11:41:40 AM (3213 views)
1/12/2009 1:18:46 PM (3270 views)

What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - David Bloys/TX
1/8/2009 11:17:51 AM (2999 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - Robert Franco/OH
1/8/2009 11:39:08 AM (3113 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - David Bloys/TX
1/8/2009 12:12:10 PM (3006 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - Robert Franco/OH
1/8/2009 12:49:49 PM (2915 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - Kurt deVries/FL
1/8/2009 2:12:29 PM (2870 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - David Bloys/TX
1/8/2009 3:53:48 PM (2700 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - Robert Franco/OH
1/8/2009 4:01:49 PM (2643 views)
It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/8/2009 6:36:46 PM (2644 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Slade Smith/OH
1/8/2009 8:27:20 PM (2691 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/8/2009 11:44:54 PM (2774 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Robert Franco/OH
1/9/2009 10:41:35 AM (2746 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/9/2009 11:35:59 AM (2593 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Robert Franco/OH
1/9/2009 1:04:37 PM (2712 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/9/2009 1:21:48 PM (2709 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Robert Franco/OH
1/9/2009 1:48:00 PM (2572 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/9/2009 2:22:17 PM (2703 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Robert Franco/OH
1/9/2009 2:31:29 PM (2652 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/9/2009 2:55:15 PM (2528 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/9/2009 1:37:15 PM (2550 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Robert Franco/OH
1/9/2009 2:03:22 PM (4606 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/9/2009 2:45:46 PM (2607 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Robert Franco/OH
1/9/2009 2:58:45 PM (4880 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/9/2009 4:32:03 PM (2661 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - john franz/NJ
1/12/2009 11:39:16 AM (2549 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Clanci Nelson/OH
1/12/2009 1:00:19 PM (2720 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/12/2009 1:21:44 PM (2660 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/12/2009 1:17:45 PM (2681 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Clanci Nelson/OH
1/12/2009 2:54:57 PM (2730 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - john franz/NJ
1/12/2009 3:29:50 PM (2832 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/12/2009 4:16:47 PM (5272 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - john franz/NJ
1/16/2009 3:02:53 PM (2679 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Robert Franco/OH
1/16/2009 3:07:53 PM (2717 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/16/2009 3:09:19 PM (2624 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/16/2009 4:10:20 PM (2791 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/12/2009 4:16:48 PM (2678 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - michael quinn/NY
1/12/2009 2:59:55 PM (2665 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - john franz/NJ
1/12/2009 3:42:41 PM (2779 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - michael quinn/NY
1/12/2009 4:41:31 PM (2678 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Scott Perry/PA
1/9/2009 1:47:25 PM (2484 views)
Re: It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors... - Jessica Talley/NJ
1/11/2009 7:55:24 PM (2533 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - Slade Smith/OH
1/8/2009 7:59:05 PM (2632 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - Patrick Scott/IL
1/8/2009 8:29:46 PM (2535 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - Slade Smith/OH
1/8/2009 10:10:39 PM (2611 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - Robert Franco/OH
1/9/2009 10:55:16 AM (2486 views)

I agree, Pat.  There is nothing wrong with saving and paying down debt.  We should all have been doing that all along.  However, people have not been saving - they have been just as guilty of deficit spending as our government.  But, the problem is that when the economy is bad, everyone goes into "saving" mode and it makes the economy worse.

The problem with using a government stimulus plan to give money to people who will use it to pay down debt is that it will not help the economy.  First, I don't think it would encourage more lending.  The lenders already got $700 billion and they still have not loosened the purse strings.  To some degree, they probably should be a bit more selective about who they loan money too.  Over zealous lending is what got us into this mess to begin with.

Second, even if it did sncourage more lending - it is still not helping.  Remember you said you didn't see "what was so bad about saving and paying down debt."  If people pay down their debt so more people can begin borrowing again, they are not saving - they are going deeper into debt.  In the long run, that doesn't help. 

I think we really need to create jobs so people can begin to spend what they earn, and hopefully start to save a little too.  I saw the most recent unemployment figures came out and we actually lost 2.6 million jobs in 2008.  Unemployment is at 7.2% - the highest it has been in 16 years.

I do share you concern about the national debt.  I think we might be getting in much too deep. I just hope Obama can do something about that.  I agree that deficit spending is necessary to get us out of this recession and that has to be a priority.  But, we do need a plan to get the budget balanced and start paying down the massive debt.

Robert A. Franco

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Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - Clanci Nelson/OH
1/9/2009 4:42:03 PM (2503 views)
Re: What will you do with your $10,000 Bonus? - john franz/NJ
1/12/2009 3:52:53 PM (2742 views)

What were they thinking... - Robert Franco/OH
1/8/2009 12:04:47 AM (3203 views)
Re: What were they thinking... - Deborah Manion/VA
1/8/2009 1:25:14 PM (3014 views)
Re: What were they thinking... - William Pattison /CA
1/12/2009 12:30:12 PM (2725 views)

Title Stream - Rich Martin/ME
1/7/2009 9:46:53 PM (3682 views)
Re: Title Stream - James "Lin" Toney/MS
1/7/2009 10:23:29 PM (3127 views)
Re: Title Stream - no relation to TS Associates - Dan Zook/NY
1/8/2009 11:32:26 AM (3153 views)

A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Sheila Sten/PA
1/7/2009 1:28:03 PM (3232 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Sheila Sten/PA
1/16/2009 4:16:24 PM (2920 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Robert Franco/OH
1/16/2009 4:19:36 PM (2899 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Scott Perry/PA
1/16/2009 4:26:05 PM (3239 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Sheila Sten/PA
1/16/2009 6:54:28 PM (2949 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Patrick Scott/IL
1/16/2009 8:32:11 PM (2950 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Sheila Sten/PA
1/16/2009 10:10:59 PM (2976 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Scott Perry/PA
1/16/2009 10:10:57 PM (2874 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Sheila Sten/PA
1/16/2009 10:11:46 PM (3097 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/17/2009 10:40:55 AM (2964 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Robert Franco/OH
1/17/2009 12:06:43 PM (2850 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/17/2009 12:45:30 PM (2821 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Sheila Sten/PA
1/17/2009 8:05:14 PM (2796 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Clanci Nelson/OH
1/19/2009 2:13:27 PM (2812 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Tracy/PA
1/29/2009 4:10:40 PM (2671 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Sheila Sten/PA
2/25/2009 11:20:50 PM (2556 views)
Re: A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Sheila Sten/PA
4/5/2009 8:05:01 AM (2529 views)
update A&C Abstract (Pittsburgh, PA) - Sheila Sten/PA
7/30/2009 1:51:58 PM (2425 views)

scope of search beginning date - Nathan Miller/KY
1/6/2009 7:54:26 PM (3071 views)
Re: scope of search beginning date - THURBER & ASSOCIATES INC THURBER/ME
1/6/2009 9:34:28 PM (3154 views)
Start date ... - Bobbi Shorthouse, Notary Public/CT
1/7/2009 7:55:36 AM (3203 views)
Re: scope of search beginning date - James "Lin" Toney/MS
1/7/2009 10:02:10 AM (3077 views)
Re: scope of search beginning date - Robert Franco/OH
1/7/2009 1:43:09 PM (3087 views)
Re: scope of search beginning date - Patrick Scott/IL
1/7/2009 11:06:09 PM (3162 views)
Re: scope of search beginning date - David Keeling/TX
1/12/2009 8:57:07 PM (2719 views)
Re: scope of search beginning date - Kenneth Signor/SC
1/12/2009 8:13:11 AM (2760 views)
Re: scope of search beginning date - James "Lin" Toney/MS
1/12/2009 8:55:47 PM (2740 views)
Re: scope of search beginning date - William Pattison /CA
1/12/2009 12:14:16 PM (2906 views)
Re: scope of search beginning date - James "Lin" Toney/MS
1/12/2009 8:58:58 PM (2686 views)

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