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Attention Vendor Managers... - Robert Franco/OH
2/9/2009 1:59:23 PM (2339 views)

Bulletins... - Robert Franco/OH
2/9/2009 1:37:06 PM (2544 views)
Re: Bulletins... - Wanda Steudel/OH
2/9/2009 2:03:18 PM (2124 views)
Re: Bulletins... - Robert Franco/OH
2/27/2009 2:47:50 PM (2069 views)

Lenders First Choice - J Nisonger/CA
2/7/2009 3:52:44 PM (2947 views)
Re: Lenders First Choice - monica froese/ME
2/7/2009 7:05:41 PM (2563 views)
Re: Lenders First Choice - J Nisonger/CA
2/9/2009 12:38:44 AM (2444 views)
Re: Lenders First Choice - martha campbell/VA
2/9/2009 7:03:37 AM (2341 views)
Re: Lenders First Choice - J Nisonger/CA
2/9/2009 1:10:27 PM (2317 views)
Re: Lenders First Choice - Matthew Hall/CA
2/9/2009 6:49:08 PM (2271 views)
Re: Lenders First Choice - AbstractorWatchdog com/NY
2/9/2009 9:33:04 PM (2271 views)
Re: Lenders First Choice - J Nisonger/CA
2/11/2009 12:36:08 PM (2227 views)

Best E-Recording Software Provider? - Matt Daly/WI
2/6/2009 3:01:50 PM (2609 views)
Re: Best E-Recording Software Provider? - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
2/6/2009 6:26:35 PM (2064 views)

Ameristar -- please settle an argument for me - Alix Ott/MI
2/6/2009 9:25:33 AM (3514 views)
Re: Ameristar -- please settle an argument for me - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/6/2009 10:12:26 AM (2419 views)
Re: Ameristar -- please settle an argument for me - Michelle/IL
2/6/2009 2:15:30 PM (2299 views)
Re: Ameristar -- please settle an argument for me - Wanda Steudel/OH
2/9/2009 9:30:21 AM (2348 views)

American Title, inc. - Erin Carraway/NY
2/5/2009 2:39:06 PM (3177 views)
Re: American Title, inc. - AbstractorWatchdog com/NY
2/5/2009 2:55:12 PM (2719 views)
Re: American Title, inc. - Erin Carraway/NY
2/5/2009 3:11:46 PM (2628 views)
Re: American Title, inc. - Carl Ashford/CO
2/5/2009 4:27:55 PM (2701 views)
Re: American Title, inc. - Sandra Morton/KS
2/7/2009 4:03:28 PM (2561 views)
Re: American Title, inc. - Jessica Talley/NJ
2/5/2009 5:36:14 PM (2723 views)
Re: American Title, inc. - Alix Ott/MI
2/6/2009 9:10:05 AM (2499 views)
Re: American Title, inc. - Jessica Talley/NJ
2/6/2009 1:54:04 PM (2577 views)
Re: American Title, inc. - Wendi See/SC
2/8/2009 3:32:57 PM (2528 views)
Re: American Title, inc. - george Hubka/MI
2/25/2009 6:00:48 AM (2226 views)
Re: American Title, inc. - Michael Vernon/AZ
2/9/2009 12:33:38 PM (2493 views)
Re: American Title, inc. - American Title/NE
2/10/2009 4:37:20 PM (5611 views)

2/5/2009 11:57:53 AM (2966 views)
2/6/2009 2:52:47 PM (2466 views)
2/11/2009 7:03:22 PM (2200 views)
2/23/2009 12:47:32 PM (2171 views)
2/25/2009 5:52:35 PM (2106 views)
10/2/2012 6:51:09 PM (1458 views)

nXt Generation Title Services, LLC - Dan Zook/NY
2/5/2009 8:59:26 AM (3244 views)
Re: nXt Generation Title Services, LLC - AbstractorWatchdog com/NY
2/5/2009 10:47:19 AM (5429 views)
Re: nXt Generation Title Services, LLC - Jessica Talley/NJ
2/5/2009 2:22:14 PM (2534 views)
Re: nXt Generation Title Services, LLC - Dan Zook/NY
2/5/2009 3:22:23 PM (2561 views)
Re: nXt Generation Title Services, LLC - Dan Zook/NY
2/9/2009 2:44:32 PM (2571 views)
Re: nXt Generation Title Services, LLC - Robert Franco/OH
2/9/2009 2:52:37 PM (2439 views)
Re: nXt Generation Title Services, LLC - Dan Zook/NY
2/9/2009 3:15:32 PM (2382 views)
Re: nXt Generation Title Services, LLC - cindy thomas/NY
2/9/2009 5:02:31 PM (4825 views)
Re: nXt Generation Title Services, LLC - nXt Generation Title Services, LLC/FL
2/10/2009 10:52:31 AM (2427 views)
Re: nXt Generation Title Services, LLC - Dan Zook/NY
2/10/2009 12:58:43 PM (2478 views)
Re: nXt Generation Title Services, LLC - Clanci Nelson/OH
2/12/2009 2:42:56 PM (2349 views)
Re: nXt Generation Title Services, LLC - Clanci Nelson/OH
2/12/2009 2:20:01 PM (2208 views)

mortgage fraud - Sheila Sten/PA
2/4/2009 3:48:02 PM (2960 views)
Re: mortgage fraud - Robert Franco/OH
2/4/2009 3:51:15 PM (2342 views)
Re: mortgage fraud - Sheila Sten/PA
2/4/2009 3:56:52 PM (2340 views)
Re: mortgage fraud - J Nisonger/CA
2/7/2009 4:00:55 PM (2198 views)
Re: mortgage fraud - Sheila Sten/PA
2/8/2009 4:18:20 PM (2160 views)

Off the beaten path - AbstractorWatchdog com/NY
2/3/2009 10:36:52 PM (2870 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
2/3/2009 11:31:49 PM (2349 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Patrick Scott/IL
2/4/2009 12:01:44 AM (2328 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Scott Perry/PA
2/4/2009 12:55:17 AM (2382 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Robert Franco/OH
2/4/2009 10:42:36 AM (2355 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/4/2009 10:52:16 AM (2349 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Scott Perry/PA
2/4/2009 11:18:23 AM (2179 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Clanci Nelson/OH
2/5/2009 4:48:33 PM (2292 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Scott Perry/PA
2/5/2009 7:43:44 PM (4764 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Robert Franco/OH
2/6/2009 10:09:45 AM (2079 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Scott Perry/PA
2/6/2009 11:53:54 AM (2095 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Robert Franco/OH
2/6/2009 12:44:49 PM (2047 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Scott Perry/PA
2/6/2009 1:51:09 PM (2055 views)
Still makes no sense.... - Robert Franco/OH
2/9/2009 1:09:11 PM (2276 views)
Re: Still makes no sense.... - Scott Perry/PA
2/10/2009 3:26:30 AM (2086 views)
Re: Still makes no sense.... - Robert Franco/OH
2/10/2009 9:59:16 AM (2053 views)
Re: Still makes no sense.... - Debbie Thibodeaux/LA
2/11/2009 1:07:54 PM (1996 views)
Re: Still makes no sense.... - Robert Franco/OH
2/11/2009 1:43:23 PM (1967 views)
Re: Still makes no sense.... - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/11/2009 4:48:23 PM (1979 views)
Re: Still makes no sense.... - Robert Franco/OH
2/12/2009 12:46:38 AM (1933 views)
Re: Still makes no sense.... - Douglas Gallant/OH
2/11/2009 5:06:23 PM (1993 views)
As I Was Saying... - Scott Perry/PA
2/16/2009 12:14:21 AM (1934 views)
Re: As I Was Saying... - Robert Franco/OH
2/16/2009 11:56:29 AM (2021 views)

Hey Scott,

Here is my re-re-re-rebuttal... First, I hope your wife is okay and makes a speedy recovery.

It seems that you have a crystal ball of some sort.  Since you indicate that my prognostications about the future under the Fair Tax are "incorrect assumptions."  I don't think can accurately say that those are incorrect until the Fair Tax passes and we see the result, which of course will never happen.  It won't happen for that very reason - nobody knows what would happen, but the fear of the consequences are logical.

#1:  You correctly point out that much of the spending is discretional.  Our economy relies on discretionary spending and if you increase the taxes on discretionary spending people will spend less on those items.   Even with the "pre-bates," if a person can avoid paying higher taxes they will most likely choose to do so.  We are seeing now what happens when discretionary spending slows down - it would logically be worse under the Fair Tax.

#2:  You point to the sales taxes in Texas and Florida as proof that a national sales tax would not lead to a black market.  But, the maximum tax in Florida is only 7.5% and in Texas its is 8.25%.  That is a far cry from the 30% the Fair Tax would impose.  A modest sales tax can, and does, work in many states.  However, the 30% rate under the Fair Tax would create a huge profit incentive for black markets.  As I already pointed out, look what happened when the government started taxing cigarettes - a huge black market developed. 

You also pointed to the VAT in Denmark as an example.  Our of curiosity, I looked it up and Denmark is among the nations with the highest tax in the world!  They do have a VAT tax (which is not quite the same as the Fair Tax) AND they have a progressive personal income tax (with rates as high as 59%).  That is another point I made - if we tried to implement the Fair Tax, we would have both a national sales tax and an income tax.  Furthermore, the VAT rate in Denmark is only 10%... much less than the Fair Tax proposes.

#3:  You seem to believe that social factors, like ego and social status, will still drive people to buy luxury items despite the 30% tax added.  We will just have to disagree on that.  Sure, some will; the filthy rich will always want their toys and some of them may even want them new.  Personally, I would be very happy with a used Mercedes or Jaguar and avoid paying a 30% premium.  I think most people would gravitate to used items when there is a huge tax on the new ones.

I agree that there are various reasons why the U.S. automakers are in trouble.  My point is only that that adding a 30% tax to new cars would exacerbate the problem.  This is exactly why the Tax Code is used to encourage some activities and discourage others - because it works.  If you raise taxes on something, people will buy less of it - if you exempt taxes on certain purchases, people buy more.

#4:  Any tax code, whether a progressive income tax or a national sales tax, will influence behavior.  The Fair Tax would do it with an axe, as opposed to a scalpel.  The Fair Tax encourages savings and punishes spending.  That would not help our economy which is dependent on consumer spending.  I do think we need to encourage more people to save, but the Fair Tax goes too far in that regard.

#5:  You still don't seem to understand the difference between progressive taxation and regressive taxation.  You said:

 I call our current system regressive because it punishes achievement and rewards poverty. What’s so progressive about a system that demands that you pay tax at a higher rate than me because you worked your tail off and made more money than I did?

A system that "demands that you pay a tax at a higher rate... because... [you] made more money" is the definition of a progressive tax!  If you believe that lower income people should pay more, then you are in favor of a regressive tax.  You're position that "if we started taxing poverty, there would be less of an incentive to be poor" is ridiculous.  You can't make someone less poor by taking more of their money.  Again, that is just simple logic.  The harsh reality is that the poor can't afford to pay more taxes - you can't get blood from a stone.

#7:  You are right, the tax under the Fair Tax plan is 23%, but it actually works out to be a 30% tax... here is how:

The Fair Tax is a whole different game. Instead of taxing income, this tax would hit consumption. Its proponents want to substitute what's often described as a flat 23% national sales tax on nearly all goods and services. But that 23% figure is a mirage. You'd actually pay 30% at the cash register. 

Think of it as a tax on your buying power. Fair Tax proponents say income taxes now make up about 23% of the cost of goods sold. Take away that tax and the cost of a $100 good, they say, would drop to $77. The Fair Tax would collect that $23 discount as a straight sales tax, which works out to 30% added to the price of goods and services. State and city taxes could be added on top of that.

I agree that people would have more disposable income if they actually received their entire paychecks and they got a $6,000 pre-bate.  However, since most middle income families spend all of their income - they save virtually nothing now - they will pay an effective rate of 30%, less the $6,000 pre-bate.  Because they will be taxed at 30% when they spend their pre-bate, it is really only worth $4,200.  I think most families are better off with a graduated tax rate that starts at only 10%.

#8:  With a Roth IRA you pay the sales tax when you invest the money - and it is tax free when you draw it out.  Thus, if you invest $100,000 over the course of your working-life, you may pay as much as $35,000 in taxes on that money as you contribute to your Roth IRA.  If that money grows to $200,000, you pay no income tax on the other $100,000.  Under the Fair Tax, those with Roth IRAs would have paid their $35,000 in tax and they would pay an additional $60,000 in "Fair Tax" when they spend it in retirement.  Thus, the Fair Tax punishes those that saved wisely for their retirement... seems like poor public policy to me.

#9:  Now who is making assumptions??  You assume that housing prices will drop because you are eliminating the "embedded" taxes in the cost of a home.  However, you fail to realize that the housing market has been around a while and those costs are already in there.  Are you suggesting that sellers will drop the price of their homes just because the Fair Tax is implemented??  I don't think so.  If you were right, the housing market would take an instant hit as soon as the Fair Tax was passed - I'm sure there are millions of homeowners that would not appreciate that very much - I'm one of them.

You seem to want to have this both ways.  You insist that the Fair Tax would provide a stable base because people are going to spend the same regardless of the new national sales tax (out of ego, or social status)... then you say "...they can determine how much tax they pay based on the choices they make."  If people can choose, they are always going to choose to pay less in taxes.    Thus, your arguments are inconsistent.  That seems to be the major flaw in your analysis.

Robert A. Franco

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Re: Commercial Activity Tax... - Robert Franco/OH
2/16/2009 3:04:27 PM (4481 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Clanci Nelson/OH
2/6/2009 4:45:51 PM (2202 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/6/2009 6:17:30 AM (2024 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Robert Franco/OH
2/6/2009 10:03:24 AM (2040 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/4/2009 10:47:54 AM (2210 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Robert Franco/OH
2/4/2009 11:06:18 AM (2130 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/4/2009 11:10:33 AM (2024 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Scott Perry/PA
2/4/2009 11:31:26 AM (2093 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/4/2009 11:59:28 AM (2155 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Barbara Bennett/IN
2/4/2009 3:28:50 PM (1986 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/4/2009 11:21:39 AM (2087 views)
Re: Off the beaten path - Clanci Nelson/OH
2/5/2009 4:25:01 PM (2215 views)

reporting non-paying title companies to the underwriters - Michael Lanin/KY
2/3/2009 1:20:18 PM (2729 views)
Re: reporting non-paying title companies to the underwriters - Robert Franco/OH
2/3/2009 2:25:20 PM (2521 views)
Re: reporting non-paying title companies to the underwriters - Michelle/IL
2/4/2009 1:18:59 PM (2142 views)
Re: reporting non-paying title companies to the underwriters - J Nisonger/CA
2/5/2009 10:00:22 PM (2196 views)
Re: reporting non-paying title companies to the underwriters - Michael Lanin/KY
2/6/2009 12:52:40 PM (2152 views)
Re: reporting non-paying title companies to the underwriters - J Nisonger/CA
2/7/2009 3:56:45 PM (2061 views)
Re: reporting non-paying title companies to the underwriters - Clanci Nelson/OH
2/12/2009 2:18:17 PM (1902 views)
Re: reporting non-paying title companies to the underwriters - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
2/17/2009 9:17:45 AM (2012 views)

Title Assurance & Indemnity Corp. of NA Cleveland, OH - MIchael Lanin/KY
2/3/2009 1:01:36 PM (2120 views)

The Law Firm of Crystal Lowery - Edward Huguenin/SC
2/1/2009 8:20:52 AM (3165 views)
Re: The Law Firm of Crystal Lowery - Wendi See/SC
2/1/2009 6:37:04 PM (2305 views)
Re: The Law Firm of Crystal Lowery - Janis Talbot/SC
2/2/2009 9:11:46 AM (2518 views)
Re: The Law Firm of Crystal Lowery - Wendi See/SC
2/2/2009 8:34:15 PM (2295 views)
Re: The Law Firm of Crystal Lowery - Edward Huguenin/SC
2/3/2009 7:10:57 AM (2237 views)

What is considered slow pay? - no name/MI
1/30/2009 12:50:38 PM (2744 views)
Re: What is considered slow pay? - Jessica Talley/NJ
1/30/2009 12:59:33 PM (2349 views)
Re: What is considered slow pay? - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/30/2009 1:33:34 PM (2490 views)

Probate Question - Helene /GA
1/29/2009 11:50:27 PM (2652 views)
Re: Probate Question - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/30/2009 6:52:39 AM (2364 views)
Maybe a shifting executory interest... - Robert Franco/OH
1/30/2009 9:28:41 AM (2476 views)
Re: Maybe a shifting executory interest... - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/30/2009 10:01:35 AM (2223 views)
Re: Maybe a shifting executory interest... - Robert Franco/OH
1/30/2009 10:25:15 AM (2158 views)
Re: Maybe a shifting executory interest... - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/30/2009 10:49:36 AM (2167 views)
Re: Maybe a shifting executory interest... - Helene /GA
1/30/2009 10:38:14 PM (2277 views)
Re: Maybe a shifting executory interest... - Douglas Gallant/OH
1/31/2009 8:27:20 AM (2204 views)

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