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[+] GROUND RENT CHAIN WITH LEASE - Saundra  Scott/MD (2 replies)
4/16/2021 4:54:40 PM (1512 views)

YDeal Title Services, LLC - Update - Angela Sharp/CA
4/14/2021 7:51:20 PM (1361 views)

[+] RDS Click-Link Ad - William Duncan/SC (1 reply)
4/13/2021 9:03:58 AM (1504 views)

[+] Orchestrate.com and others - Jay Duncan/MO (3 replies)
4/9/2021 2:37:10 PM (1618 views)

[+] Sanrit - Kurt deVries/FL (6 replies)
4/9/2021 10:27:59 AM (1400 views)

Real Title Services

[+] avanzegroup.com? - Paige Bentley/TX (13 replies)
4/8/2021 5:18:08 PM (2006 views)

[-] Ground Abstractor Price Increases - William Duncan/SC (9 replies)
4/8/2021 3:22:26 PM (2173 views)
Re: Ground Abstractor Price Increases - Brandon ONeal/TN
4/8/2021 3:49:17 PM (2164 views)
Re: Ground Abstractor Price Increases - Ron Beavers/FL
4/12/2021 10:29:02 AM (1927 views)
Re: Ground Abstractor Price Increases - William Duncan/SC
4/12/2021 11:01:20 AM (1900 views)
Re: Ground Abstractor Price Increases - george Hubka/MI
4/12/2021 9:55:48 PM (1929 views)
Re: Ground Abstractor Price Increases - Tempie Elder/GA
4/28/2021 10:33:43 AM (1749 views)
Re: Ground Abstractor Price Increases - William Duncan/SC
4/28/2021 10:44:25 AM (1697 views)
Re: Ground Abstractor Price Increases - Alix Ott/MI
5/3/2021 10:33:53 AM (1673 views)
Re: Ground Abstractor Price Increases - Angela Sharp/CA
5/7/2021 6:46:17 AM (1705 views)
Re: Ground Abstractor Price Increases - Serena Stout/VA
5/10/2021 9:01:34 AM (1772 views)

Our prices are based on travel time and mileage. We are two people covering 11 jurisdictions in mostly rural Virginia. If it takes us more than an hour to reach a courthouse just to retrieve a copy, I have to pass that cost on to the client. Quite frankly, I frequently lose money on these requests unless I can bundle them with a search or recording.

We tried to include the cost as a separate trip fee, but our clients objected because they were unable to plan the fee ahead of time because we could not predict if we would have to go to the courthouse or not when we accepted their request. Many of them didn't understand why an update for a draw, that had to be completed at the courthouse, cost so much more than an update that could be completed online from the office. Because of this problem, we had to set the fees for these far flung jurisdictions to automatically include the trip fee on every search. 

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Thank you from ABN Legal Solutions - William Duncan/SC
4/4/2021 1:42:00 PM (2743 views)

PRO Act Bill - Jennifer Lawrence/AR
3/31/2021 7:37:46 PM (1278 views)

[+] Visionet, non-payment - Jay Duncan/MO (7 replies)
3/31/2021 2:17:49 PM (1889 views)

[+] So, think I should risk it? - Alix Ott/MI (1 reply)
3/31/2021 2:12:10 PM (1742 views)

[+] Remote Online Notary Vendors - Jeanine Johnson/MN (3 replies)
3/31/2021 11:24:43 AM (1333 views)

Abstract Software - Tony Costa/LA
3/29/2021 9:45:32 AM (1239 views)

SiteSolutionsService: ...really!?... - William Duncan/SC
3/26/2021 10:46:12 AM (1198 views)

There: FIXED! - William Duncan/SC
3/25/2021 9:33:06 AM (1248 views)

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