I am not trying to be either obtuse or coy. Simply pointing out that you seem to have a memory lapse with respect to the last eight years. If as you say the Clinton administration was remiss...six years of a Republican congress and Presidency followed with no attempt to correct any of these alleged "problems". If anything we heard more about deregulation of the economy. The sub prime problem began long before the Democrats gained a majority although its full impact did not strike until the past year and one half..
As of two years ago Bush was making documented statements in the news of the rosy complexion to our economy. I am sure you can view them on You Tube or elsewhere on the internet if you wish to verify it. They were aired on CNN this past October while Bush was pleading for the TARP bail out that Paulson pissed away, and no one can seem to trace.
So You feel that Clinton as president was responsible for todays problems...but not Bush because he was constitutionally prohibited from effectuating change while he was sitting in the same office? Doesn't that sound a bit inconsistent to you?
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