I feel your pain. After 35 years I wish I had some idea what to do next.
On the E&O question, I went many years without E&O coverage when it just got too expensive. Of course during this crash I had many good clients who all of a sudden could not give me work without having E&O. I felt I had no choice. Most claimed that their underwriter required it. So I carry it now and it does make me feel a little less stressed knowing I'm covered. I pay on a budget plan so I spread it out rather than get one big charge in the middle of Winter.
But right now I've got work and it appears that more is coming. Thanks Obama! I've even had a couple of employees in for the first time in many months.
I used to try and look ahead and try to figure out the real estate market, but now I only look a few days ahead. Who knows what's coming? As someone once said, "Those who say do not know, those who know do not say".
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