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DND Research - Kristi Lee/NE
3/11/2009 5:39:22 PM (2603 views)
Re: DND Research - Bruce McRoberts/TX
3/17/2009 4:40:39 PM (2110 views)

National Titlenet, LLC - Douglas Johnson/MN
3/11/2009 11:00:32 AM (2881 views)
Re: National Titlenet, LLC - Clanci Nelson/OH
3/13/2009 10:59:05 AM (2229 views)
Re: National Titlenet, LLC - george Hubka/MI
3/17/2009 12:01:04 PM (2256 views)
Re: National Titlenet, LLC - Robert Goral/PA
3/19/2009 1:12:31 PM (2247 views)

trust title company - Christine Sheeler/PA
3/10/2009 10:21:26 PM (2851 views)
Re: trust title company - Marian Littleton/VA
3/17/2009 10:50:11 AM (2227 views)
Re: trust title company - george Hubka/MI
3/18/2009 12:39:20 AM (2329 views)
Re: trust title company - Jennifer Knott/PA
4/20/2009 2:29:11 PM (2179 views)
Re: Trust Title Company - GA Title Services/GA
8/20/2009 7:35:41 PM (2013 views)

Workflow - S Herring/SC
3/10/2009 7:26:22 PM (2690 views)
Re: Workflow - researcher ./VA
3/10/2009 8:01:57 PM (2442 views)
Re: Workflow - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/10/2009 9:18:00 PM (2456 views)
Re: Workflow - Melinda Barcum, J.D./AL
3/16/2009 2:47:41 PM (2233 views)
Re: Workflow - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/11/2009 8:53:44 AM (2303 views)

Halo - Kristi Lee/NE
3/10/2009 4:50:50 PM (2691 views)
Re: Halo - Patrick/NY
3/11/2009 7:56:02 AM (2342 views)
Re: Halo - Kristi Lee/NE
3/11/2009 10:50:37 AM (2344 views)
3/13/2009 3:38:45 PM (2279 views)

Real Title Services

Executive Settlement in NY - JENNIFER HOLZMAN/PA
3/10/2009 1:14:27 PM (2821 views)
Re: Executive Settlement in NY - Steve Lisowski/NY
3/10/2009 2:59:19 PM (2312 views)
Re: Executive Settlement in NY - JENNIFER HOLZMAN/PA
3/10/2009 4:12:37 PM (3229 views)
Re: Executive Settlement in NY - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/10/2009 4:25:01 PM (2412 views)
Re: Executive Settlement in NY - Patrick/NY
3/10/2009 4:40:20 PM (2508 views)
Re: Executive Settlement in NY - JENNIFER HOLZMAN/PA
3/11/2009 1:01:46 PM (2368 views)
To Kevin: Re: Executive Settlement in NY - JENNIFER HOLZMAN/PA
3/11/2009 1:01:16 PM (2458 views)

Need information please - Sheila Sten/PA
3/9/2009 8:29:29 AM (2829 views)
Re: Need information please - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/9/2009 8:53:15 AM (2230 views)
Re: Need information please - Sheila Sten/PA
3/9/2009 5:19:15 PM (2202 views)
Re: Need information please - Scott Perry/PA
3/9/2009 10:07:45 PM (4102 views)
Re: Need information please - Sheila Sten/PA
3/10/2009 7:25:19 AM (2211 views)
Re: Need information please - Scott Perry/PA
3/10/2009 5:05:12 PM (2105 views)
Re: Need information please - Sheila Sten/PA
3/10/2009 10:01:43 PM (2253 views)

We need an Email redirect service - Nils Nelson/ME
3/8/2009 10:12:05 PM (2696 views)
Re: We need an Email redirect service - Robert Franco/OH
3/9/2009 10:27:18 AM (1995 views)
Re: We need an Email redirect service - Nils Nelson/ME
3/9/2009 11:43:34 AM (2034 views)
Re: We need an Email redirect service - John Dokes/PA
3/10/2009 10:56:40 AM (2151 views)
Re: We need an Email redirect service - Nils Nelson/ME
3/10/2009 12:17:47 PM (2015 views)

Health Care - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/6/2009 3:51:48 PM (2472 views)
Re: Health Care - Robert Franco/OH
3/6/2009 5:20:50 PM (2232 views)
Re: Health Care - Clanci Nelson/OH
3/9/2009 2:47:07 PM (2161 views)
Re: Health Care - Clanci Nelson/OH
3/13/2009 11:02:33 AM (2159 views)
Re: Health Care - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/13/2009 12:13:49 PM (2017 views)
Re: Health Care - Clanci Nelson/OH
3/16/2009 10:14:50 AM (2018 views)

Red Vision's Licensed Texas Title Plant? - Lena Basiti/TX
3/6/2009 2:17:18 PM (2334 views)

Toni Fisher- Pike County PA Searcher - Bill Jacobs/PA
3/6/2009 1:43:41 PM (2549 views)

Central Property Search out of PA?? - JOSEPH EMERSON/MN
3/5/2009 4:50:17 PM (2960 views)
Re: Central Property Search out of PA?? - Sheila Sten/PA
3/5/2009 5:21:48 PM (2507 views)
Re: Central Property Search out of PA?? - Jessica Talley/NJ
3/5/2009 5:35:34 PM (2211 views)
Re: Central Property Search out of PA?? - Donna Stovall/NY
3/9/2009 6:58:02 AM (2177 views)
Re: Central Property Search out of PA?? - Marian Littleton/VA
3/17/2009 10:52:55 AM (2017 views)

abstractors 4 u llc - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/5/2009 1:37:41 PM (3296 views)
Re: abstractors 4 u llc - Jessica Talley/NJ
3/5/2009 2:38:34 PM (2533 views)
Re: abstractors 4 u llc - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/5/2009 3:59:39 PM (2413 views)
Re: abstractors 4 u llc - Jessica Talley/NJ
3/5/2009 5:36:49 PM (2454 views)

Amazing Trivia - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/5/2009 9:39:16 AM (2599 views)
Re: Amazing Trivia - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/5/2009 10:51:00 AM (2096 views)
Re: Amazing Trivia - Patrick/NY
3/5/2009 10:53:50 AM (2034 views)
Re: Amazing Trivia - Jessica Talley/NJ
3/5/2009 11:25:42 AM (2059 views)
Re: Amazing Trivia - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/6/2009 6:48:33 AM (2010 views)
Even More Amazing... - Scott Perry/PA
3/5/2009 11:58:01 PM (2083 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - George Booth/OH
3/6/2009 8:05:14 AM (2068 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Scott Perry/PA
3/7/2009 1:45:51 PM (1972 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/7/2009 2:38:15 PM (1873 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Scott Perry/PA
3/7/2009 3:04:20 PM (2007 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/7/2009 3:17:40 PM (1914 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Scott Perry/PA
3/7/2009 4:06:32 PM (1991 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/7/2009 5:12:05 PM (2021 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Scott Perry/PA
3/7/2009 6:24:48 PM (1916 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/7/2009 6:56:08 PM (1913 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Scott Perry/PA
3/7/2009 9:34:01 PM (1948 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Douglas Gallant/OH
3/8/2009 3:46:00 PM (1938 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Patrick Scott/IL
3/9/2009 12:06:23 AM (1811 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - George Booth/OH
3/9/2009 9:34:47 AM (1871 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/9/2009 10:06:06 AM (1907 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - George Booth/OH
3/9/2009 10:25:04 AM (1830 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/9/2009 10:40:05 AM (3729 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - George Booth/OH
3/9/2009 11:22:25 AM (1876 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/9/2009 11:44:17 AM (1873 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Clanci Nelson/OH
3/9/2009 5:02:17 PM (1862 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Slade Smith/OH
3/9/2009 11:24:20 AM (3765 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - George Booth/OH
3/9/2009 1:16:17 PM (1920 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Jessica Talley/NJ
3/9/2009 2:18:12 PM (1860 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/9/2009 2:39:58 PM (1756 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Clanci Nelson/OH
3/9/2009 3:12:24 PM (1779 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - George Booth/OH
3/9/2009 3:39:25 PM (3790 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/10/2009 1:32:52 PM (3571 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Clanci Nelson/OH
3/9/2009 4:44:11 PM (1824 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Scott Perry/PA
3/14/2009 12:37:28 AM (1788 views)
Re: Even More Amazing... - Slade Smith/OH
3/16/2009 1:46:17 PM (1717 views)

A fair point, skymutt, but one could make the argument that at least one of them left the party because of the racist policies of the Dems.


I'd like to see you try to actually make the argument based on the evidence.  Strom Thurmond or Jesse Helms-- take your pick!

Besides, I don't recall either of them ever using a vile racist slur like "white n****r" on national television, unlike Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-WV), former Kleagle (recruiter) for the Ku Klux Klan who filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for over 14 straight hours.  To my knowledge, the the senior Senator from West Virginia has never been censured nor asked to step down for his remarks, as he most assuredly would have been had an "R" followed his name.


Yes and Senator Byrd has apologized candidly for every single one of these actions.  Every single one.  In fact he has spoken numerous times at length about his membership in the KKK and does not run from his racist past at all. 

Try to find similar introspection for Mr. Helms or Mr Thurmund while you're making your case that they left the Democratic Party because it was too racist.


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Connecticut to Evaluate Repeal of its Capital Punishment Law - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/5/2009 9:11:15 AM (2129 views)

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