As they did not actually succeed in booting me out, they simply engaged in a process of ongoing harassment; interrupting my research over the day to tell me to leave and do my research online, to leave because I shouldn't be there for so long, to leave because others get the job done faster, to leave and use a title company to get the research I need and more.
As I chose not to escalate, but remain calm, composed and activate reasonable plans that anticipated this sort of thing, the situation, while not totally discharged (as it was repeated again and yet again), was controlled sufficiently for me to get the basic work done without need to go back for anything more than a few copies yesterday (which they hassled me for then as well).
I did not go into their offices with anything of an "attitude" other than the plan to serve my client interests well. I did not create any sort of "self -fulfilling prophecy" by preparing for the worst or having my business partner do so.
My preparations worked well, so for you to "be prepared in the future" would seem to be a follow-the-leader approach of knowing the Civil Codes and Statutes that pertain to public agency records. Not getting angry or causing a scene by taking a level-headed, reasonable approach to public agents, and being willing to speak with their supervisors if they cannot provide you with proper service, is an obvious thing to do. Good advocacy for your clients is the best approach to business.
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