Thanks William for the advice..but doesn't matter now as I guess "they" figured out who I was talking about on here and cut me off. I was told by the abstractor liasion several months ago when I had another issue with this company that they would never just cut someone off and not tell them......well, when I checked my status with them about a month ago on their website ( on a weekly basis) comes to find my password won't work..interesting? Basically, I look at when something like this happens.. as when a door closes, a window usually opens and it has. It was definitely not a good fit for me. I am not upset about it as they were more of a hassle with EVERY order almost, than it was worth and they didn't appreciate anytime I went the extra mile for them to get their work done. Nor did they pay for all of the copies that were requested..always a couple of dollars short on each check..but that adds up. A typical wanting something for nothing on almost every order..that gets old..They were the only company that treated me like this so I know it's not me..... As a PS they are ALWAYS looking for abstractors through out the country using this I see why.
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