Sorry I took so long to get caught up with SOT!
Yes, saw the Star Trek movie and loved it loved it loved it! I was 12 when the original series came out and for 3 years, that world was more real to me than, well, reality. (Yes, I was a lonely, awkward, geek.....Still am, but now I'm in good company [see "Bill Gates"}) The original Star Trek:The Motion Picture made me cry from total horror-struck disappointment. (Thank god the genre redeemed itself in Wrath of Khan.)
I was looking forward to this new movie in the hopes that it could do what indeed it has done: renew the Star Trek mythology. Christopher Pine was wonderful as Kirk. Quinto (whom I've enjoyed in "Heroes") did a top-notch job. the entire supporting cast was dead-on.
Can't wait to see if they can keep up the good work.
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