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5/6/2009 7:11:32 PM (12780 views)

[+] Fidelity/Lawyer/Commonwelath Illegal Breach of Contract - Cheryl Hartzman/PA (2 replies)
5/4/2009 3:30:31 PM (4069 views)

[+] New Clients - Mike /KS (21 replies)
5/3/2009 8:19:42 AM (4113 views)

[+] Why don't we charge up front? - Patrick Ridens/CO (5 replies)
5/2/2009 11:34:19 PM (4220 views)

[-] transactional funding - Chet Mazur/CA (3 replies)
5/2/2009 3:32:46 PM (3404 views)
Good Luck, Dude. - Patrick Scott/IL
5/2/2009 9:49:02 PM (2474 views)

I don't know much about property flipping, but it doesn't seem to me that this market is exactly conducive to the practice.  With all of the inventory available, how can the flippers expect to immediately sell the property at a profit?

For at least the past few years, institutional leders have been wary of the practice and they have taken steps to find out if property has changed hands within a 24-month period.  If it has, I suppose they take a good look at the appraisal.  I believe new appraisal rules also went into effect for Fannie and Freddie loans just yesterday which break the ties between the broker and the appraiser.  Seems to me, that will make the flip even more difficult.

If you are looking for investors to provide hard money for these transactions in the short term, I would be interested to know what kind of luck you are having. 

I have received a few inquiries from people purporting to  be in a pool of property investors.  They claim to be working with hard money lenders (like you?) in the short term and are in the business of reselling the properties.  One sent an inquiry within the past couple of days.  The wording of the inquiry led me to believe they were looking for a real estate agent, not a title agent.  Yet, the inquiry cam through our website.  We are a title agent, not a real astate agent.  I was baffled.   I never answered the inquiry, because I kept tripping over red flags.

The messages I have received have been worded similarly enough that I am convinced they all had their roots with some motivational speaker somewhere sucking these people into a con.

If I am wrong about this, please set me straight.  I am very interested to know how this could possibly be a good investment for anybody at this time.


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Re: Good Luck, Dude. - Thomas/FL
5/7/2009 8:07:41 PM (2464 views)
Re: Good Luck, Dude. - george Hubka/MI
5/8/2009 6:37:57 PM (2334 views)

Real Title Services

[+] National TitleNet - ANTHONY MUZIO/NY (2 replies)
5/1/2009 6:11:42 PM (3409 views)

[+] Reliance Information Source (sorry) - Dan Zook/NY (3 replies)
5/1/2009 12:52:19 PM (3398 views)

[+] Reliant Info Source - Dan Zook/NY (4 replies)
5/1/2009 10:35:01 AM (3069 views)

[+] Back Forty Abstracts, LLC (Belton, SC) - Edward Huguenin/SC (4 replies)
4/29/2009 8:02:03 PM (3746 views)

[+] forgiving payment for services rendered in PA not a good idea - Diane Cipa/PA (7 replies)
4/27/2009 3:06:02 PM (5575 views)

NALTEA Certified Abstractor Seminar - Jeanine Johnson/MN
4/27/2009 12:05:36 PM (4507 views)

[+] Info on Pro Title USA - george Hubka/MI (7 replies)
4/26/2009 3:21:45 PM (15223 views)

[+] Ameristar Payment - jess barker/IL (11 replies)
4/25/2009 10:19:04 AM (4501 views)

[+] Visionet Systems - Carl Ashford/CO (1 reply)
4/24/2009 6:02:23 PM (6021 views)

[+] Homeowners Rush to Refinance... - Susan /WI (4 replies)
4/23/2009 4:05:22 PM (4562 views)

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