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[+] More fees to advance - Robert Franco/OH (14 replies)
5/13/2009 9:59:18 AM (4663 views)

[+] Doc Hunters, Clearwater, FL - Bill Jones/NJ (9 replies)
5/12/2009 10:38:46 AM (9352 views)

Status - Becky Vigneault/VT
5/11/2009 9:31:54 PM (2832 views)

[+] Carteret Title - Kristi Lee/NE (4 replies)
5/11/2009 11:38:32 AM (3777 views)

[+] Applied Technology Resources - Debbie Thibodeaux/LA (3 replies)
5/8/2009 6:06:33 PM (3557 views)

Real Title Services

Woman admits taking $3.4M from SP company - George Booth/OH
5/6/2009 10:29:06 PM (4170 views)

[+] Pet Peeves - Jean Allen/NC (9 replies)
5/6/2009 7:12:06 PM (3524 views)

5/6/2009 7:11:32 PM (12904 views)

[+] Fidelity/Lawyer/Commonwelath Illegal Breach of Contract - Cheryl Hartzman/PA (2 replies)
5/4/2009 3:30:31 PM (4111 views)

[-] New Clients - Mike /KS (21 replies)
5/3/2009 8:19:42 AM (4153 views)
Re: New Clients - monica froese/ME
5/3/2009 9:39:52 PM (2967 views)
Re: New Clients - george Hubka/MI
5/4/2009 7:54:05 AM (2886 views)
Re: New Clients - Robert Franco/OH
5/4/2009 10:50:19 AM (2839 views)
Re: New Clients - Jessica Talley/NJ
5/4/2009 11:52:50 AM (2884 views)
Re: New Clients - Dan Zook/NY
5/4/2009 1:31:05 PM (2758 views)
Re: New Clients - Jessica Talley/NJ
5/7/2009 5:37:42 PM (2655 views)
Re: New Clients - Constance Foye/VA
5/12/2009 6:39:45 PM (2549 views)
Re: New Clients - Jessica Talley/NJ
5/5/2009 8:47:15 AM (2821 views)
Re: New Clients - Barbara Bennett/IN
5/8/2009 12:25:22 AM (2720 views)
Re: New Clients - Jessica Talley/NJ
5/8/2009 10:40:51 AM (2599 views)
Re: New Clients - martha campbell/VA
5/11/2009 8:44:42 AM (2536 views)
Re: New Clients - Jessica Talley/NJ
5/11/2009 12:24:12 PM (2514 views)


I do not agree with you, not ALL abstractors/title searchers are going to steal clients, it is ALWAYS a small handful that do things like this, and eventually they end up going bye bye.

The negativity on SOT is unbelievable to me, horrible clients, clients that don't pay, how horrible and bad every thing in our industry is, etc.., etc..

My company is doing very well, do you want to know why? Because I do not agree with all of this negativity and how bad things are, I don't read newspapers or watch TV because the media are terrorists and tell lies. I do not put my attention on the negativity because it doesn't produce income!!!!!!!!

I promote like crazy sending out 1200 postcards a month, I cold call as I have huge lists and as a result I get tons of work. If a client doesn't pay me,  and I watch my receivables like a hawk, I attempt to collect and move on, because NOT ALL CLIENTS ARE NON PAYERS, in fact they are a very small percentage.

I have been attacked on SOT for defending companies and told "just wait till they screw you out of money", and it has not happened. Not to say I haven't been screwed, but to dwell on it, what is the purpose, you have to move on and find good clients, but you are not going to do that if you listen to all the negativity.

You are entitled to your viewpoint and I wish you the best, but I for one am FED UP with all the negativity on SOT, perhaps those of you who think its so bad and can't make a living in this industry, need to go out and get jobs, or shut up and start doing some thing effective about your situation(s) that will result in increased income for your company.

Negativity breeds negativity and I choose not to be a part of it.

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Re: New Clients - martha campbell/VA
5/11/2009 3:41:38 PM (2579 views)
I did not post about .. - Barbara Bennett/IN
5/11/2009 4:03:12 PM (2487 views)
Re: New Clients - Joseph Weaver/VA
5/11/2009 5:27:48 PM (2579 views)
Re: New Clients - Barbara Bennett/IN
5/8/2009 12:25:26 AM (2641 views)
Re: New Clients - Jennifer Lawrence/AR
5/11/2009 8:14:51 AM (2555 views)
Re: New Clients - Jessica Talley/NJ
5/13/2009 3:26:27 PM (2616 views)
Re: New Clients - Margaret Haddock/TN
5/11/2009 8:44:18 AM (2550 views)
Re: New Clients - Jason Knowles/AL
5/15/2009 3:36:04 PM (2573 views)
Re: New Clients - William Pattison /CA
5/28/2009 1:09:31 PM (2395 views)

[+] Why don't we charge up front? - Patrick Ridens/CO (5 replies)
5/2/2009 11:34:19 PM (4284 views)

[+] transactional funding - Chet Mazur/CA (3 replies)
5/2/2009 3:32:46 PM (3441 views)

[+] National TitleNet - ANTHONY MUZIO/NY (2 replies)
5/1/2009 6:11:42 PM (3456 views)

[+] Reliance Information Source (sorry) - Dan Zook/NY (3 replies)
5/1/2009 12:52:19 PM (3444 views)

[+] Reliant Info Source - Dan Zook/NY (4 replies)
5/1/2009 10:35:01 AM (3113 views)

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