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[+] slow down - eblas/NV (4 replies)
5/18/2009 1:29:41 PM (3301 views)

[+] ValueNet (JAX-Title Coordinators - Elvin Hill/TX (9 replies)
5/18/2009 11:28:30 AM (3325 views)

[+] Women's size study - george Hubka/MI (12 replies)
5/17/2009 8:44:25 PM (3171 views)

[+] JRS Settlement - Elizabeth Helman/PA (2 replies)
5/15/2009 5:21:16 PM (3075 views)

[+] NW title and escrow in MN - Jason Knowles/AL (6 replies)
5/15/2009 3:34:42 PM (3405 views)

Real Title Services

[+] A.S.K. Services, Inc. - Edward Huguenin/SC (4 replies)
5/13/2009 6:15:42 PM (3428 views)

[+] ESS Soultions, LLC - Robert Breakell/CT (9 replies)
5/13/2009 4:41:05 PM (5664 views)

Maverick National Services, LLC - Ron McPherson/IA
5/13/2009 10:27:35 AM (5456 views)

[-] More fees to advance - Robert Franco/OH (14 replies)
5/13/2009 9:59:18 AM (4603 views)

The new law standardizing documents filed in the county recorders' offices goes into effect on July 1, 2009 in Ohio.  Non-conforming documents must still be accepted, but there will be an additional fee of $20.  The main impetus behind this seems to be that the new recordation systems in the recorders' office make it more difficult to fit the recording information on documents, so they are requiring certain margins.  This does seem ridiculous, because a very simple solution would have been to add a blank page, if necessary, at a cost of $8. Now, they will be charging $20.  There is no common sense in government anymore.

Anyway, my main concern about this is that we will inevitably be asked my many of our clients to advance the $20 fee on filings that do not conform to the new rules.  Obviously $20 will be much less expensive than returning the documents, having them redrafted and executed, and then sent back. However, with so many companies not paying the full amount of the copy fees we currently advance, I can't see them actually reimbursing us for this extra recording expense.  At the very least, it will be a major headache trying to collect this fee once advanced and their documents are on record.

I'm not sure how to handle this.  We could advance the fees and take our chances.  Or, we could require them to send us the $20 before we record, but I don't like the idea of delaying a recording.  We could just start sending them all back with a note that the filing fees were $20 short and send them a copy of the new rules, but I don't think our clients would appreciate that either.

Does anyone have any thoughts?  I want to accomodate our customers, but I'm already having a problem getting paid for work we actually do - I can't afford to advance more money that I'm not going to get back.

Robert A. Franco


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Re: More fees to advance - Wanda Steudel/OH
5/13/2009 12:00:36 PM (2580 views)
Re: More fees to advance - Jessica Talley/NJ
5/13/2009 3:44:12 PM (2551 views)
Re: More fees to advance - Robert Franco/OH
5/13/2009 6:00:07 PM (2610 views)
Re: More fees to advance - Jean Allen/NC
5/13/2009 8:12:10 PM (2487 views)
Re: More fees to advance - Robert Franco/OH
5/14/2009 9:39:42 AM (2341 views)
Re: More fees to advance - Jean Allen/NC
5/14/2009 3:51:57 PM (2503 views)
Re: More fees to advance - Jessica Talley/NJ
5/14/2009 4:35:51 PM (2478 views)
Re: More fees to advance - Ron McPherson/IA
5/13/2009 9:00:29 PM (2496 views)
Re: More fees to advance - Helene /GA
5/13/2009 10:50:29 PM (2473 views)
Re: More fees to advance - Robert Franco/OH
5/14/2009 9:41:30 AM (2485 views)
Re: More fees to advance - Dorothy Payne/NY
5/14/2009 12:10:40 AM (2419 views)
Re: More fees to advance - Robert Franco/OH
5/14/2009 9:42:35 AM (2466 views)
Re: More fees to advance - William Case/TN
5/14/2009 10:13:52 AM (4249 views)
Re: More fees to advance - Diane Cipa/PA
5/18/2009 11:47:00 AM (2374 views)

[+] Doc Hunters, Clearwater, FL - Bill Jones/NJ (9 replies)
5/12/2009 10:38:46 AM (9310 views)

Status - Becky Vigneault/VT
5/11/2009 9:31:54 PM (2785 views)

[+] Carteret Title - Kristi Lee/NE (4 replies)
5/11/2009 11:38:32 AM (3735 views)

[+] Applied Technology Resources - Debbie Thibodeaux/LA (3 replies)
5/8/2009 6:06:33 PM (3502 views)

Woman admits taking $3.4M from SP company - George Booth/OH
5/6/2009 10:29:06 PM (4112 views)

[+] Pet Peeves - Jean Allen/NC (9 replies)
5/6/2009 7:12:06 PM (3472 views)

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