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PAYOFF SBA LOAN - Heidi Gemeling/FL
12/2/2021 8:45:12 AM (1336 views)
Re: PAYOFF SBA LOAN - Jeanine Johnson/MN
12/6/2021 5:13:20 PM (2017 views)

Webscribe - Smitty Strickland/SC
11/30/2021 4:59:23 PM (1469 views)
Re: Webscribe - Kara Foster-Morales/OH
12/3/2021 9:56:28 AM (2149 views)

Slow-down of Orders - Rita Killary/NY
11/29/2021 2:08:23 PM (2052 views)
Re: Slow-down of Orders - Roberta Dean/IN
11/30/2021 2:46:36 PM (2432 views)
Re: Slow-down of Orders - Rita Killary/NY
11/30/2021 4:44:38 PM (2332 views)
Re: Slow-down of Orders - Justin Daley/PA
12/6/2021 3:02:39 PM (2233 views)
Re: Slow-down of Orders - Rita Killary/NY
12/6/2021 5:22:00 PM (2172 views)
Re: Slow-down of Orders - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
12/13/2021 11:05:13 AM (2109 views)
Re: Slow-down of Orders - Regina  Engebritson/MN
12/13/2021 11:11:34 AM (2043 views)
Re: Slow-down of Orders - Rita Killary/NY
12/13/2021 11:18:53 AM (2045 views)
Re: Slow-down of Orders - SUZANNE WALLACE/CA
12/14/2021 12:18:34 PM (2133 views)
Re: Slow-down of Orders - SUZANNE WALLACE/CA
12/14/2021 12:15:51 PM (2033 views)
Re: Slow-down of Orders - Rita Killary/NY
12/14/2021 3:06:55 PM (2035 views)
Re: Slow-down of Orders - SUZANNE WALLACE/CA
12/14/2021 3:17:11 PM (2000 views)

11/24/2021 7:58:01 AM (1536 views)
12/6/2021 8:49:12 AM (2000 views)

Avanzegroup fka Visionet?? - Alix Ott/MI
11/18/2021 12:34:01 PM (2740 views)
Re: Avanzegroup fka Visionet?? - Robert Franco/OH
11/18/2021 3:08:07 PM (2554 views)
Re: Avanzegroup fka Visionet?? - Amy Kauffman/TX
11/24/2021 12:38:34 PM (2379 views)
Re: Avanzegroup fka Visionet?? - Alix Ott/MI
11/24/2021 12:57:24 PM (3137 views)
Re: Avanzegroup fka Visionet?? - Amy Kauffman/TX
11/24/2021 2:50:15 PM (2390 views)
Re: Avanzegroup fka Visionet?? - Michael Rosing/IL
12/31/2021 8:52:03 AM (1862 views)
Re: Avanzegroup fka Visionet?? - stephen willard/OH
12/2/2021 7:59:46 AM (2271 views)
Re: Avanzegroup fka Visionet?? - Kara Foster-Morales/OH
12/3/2021 9:59:41 AM (2243 views)
Re: Avanzegroup fka Visionet?? - Frank Laisch/FL
1/10/2022 1:49:31 PM (1885 views)
Re: Avanzegroup fka Visionet?? - Michael Rosing/IL
12/27/2021 3:48:17 PM (1944 views)
Re: Avanzegroup fka Visionet?? - Michael Rosing/IL
1/2/2022 10:46:47 AM (2017 views)
Re: Avanzegroup fka Visionet?? - george Hubka/MI
1/3/2022 9:02:16 PM (1944 views)
Re: Avanzegroup fka Visionet?? - Frank Laisch/FL
1/10/2022 1:50:57 PM (1784 views)
Re: Avanzegroup fka Visionet?? - Sherry Greene/MI
7/17/2023 8:55:36 AM (830 views)

11/16/2021 2:40:11 PM (2295 views)
12/1/2021 11:35:18 AM (2102 views)
Re: VISIONET - NON-PAYERS - george Hubka/MI
12/13/2021 12:25:31 PM (1900 views)
Re: VISIONET - NON-PAYERS - Sherry Greene/MI
7/17/2023 8:54:37 AM (766 views)

NON-PAYERS Mott MacDonald - Angela Sharp/CA
11/9/2021 1:40:05 PM (1866 views)
Re: NON-PAYERS Mott MacDonald - george Hubka/MI
12/13/2021 12:27:12 PM (1880 views)

Comment on "NAR Statement on the Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill" - Source of Title/OH
11/8/2021 9:42:02 AM (2151 views)
ALTA does it again, without support of members - Patrick Miller/LA
11/8/2021 9:42:02 AM (3020 views)
Re: ALTA does it again, without support of members - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
11/8/2021 10:10:40 AM (2865 views)
Re: ALTA does it again, without support of members - Robert Franco/OH
11/8/2021 1:33:29 PM (3062 views)
Re: Comment on "NAR Statement on the Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill" - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
11/8/2021 10:14:00 AM (2799 views)
Re: Comment on "NAR Statement on the Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill" - Robert Franco/OH
11/8/2021 1:26:30 PM (2895 views)
Re: Comment on "NAR Statement on the Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill" - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
11/8/2021 1:45:33 PM (2911 views)
Re: Comment on "NAR Statement on the Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill" - george Hubka/MI
12/13/2021 12:31:09 PM (2559 views)
Re: Comment on "NAR Statement on the Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill" - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
12/13/2021 1:32:25 PM (2612 views)
Re: Comment on "NAR Statement on the Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill" - george Hubka/MI
12/13/2021 6:57:49 PM (2581 views)
Re: Comment on "NAR Statement on the Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill" - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
12/13/2021 6:59:45 PM (2534 views)
Re: Comment on "NAR Statement on the Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill" - Rita Killary/NY
12/20/2021 9:32:31 AM (2476 views)
Bridge to Nowhere - Judy Maclauchlan/LA
12/27/2021 9:22:04 AM (2387 views)
Home Rule/State Rule vs Federal Rule - Victoria Moate/NJ
11/23/2021 11:16:22 AM (2640 views)
Of course NAR is going to say whatever they like. They are a MEMBERSHIP organization and one of the largest lobby groups in the USA.

Did you know that more real estate agents are NOT Realtor members and sell and list property more properties than NAR members? (fact look it up)

Cities, Towns and States collect hefty taxes to pay for roads, schools, etc.

They are incentivized to take Federal Money. 

Toll Roads stil exist today and were initially sold to the public as a way to keep roads and highways repaird, etc|

Lotteries still exist today and were initially sold to the public  as a way to help with schools, etc.

Where's all that money????  Why do we still have crappy roads and schools???

The "Power Grids" are private business, not federally run and paid by the consumer

Ports, railroad and airports are private business, not federally run and paid by the consumer.

The above businesses have been propped up by the Federal Govt for years, just like car manufacturers, BANKS, etc.

All this bill does it spend money in places that NEVER trickle down to actually DOING anything it simply goes into special projects favored by politiicians whose friends are doing the project and THEY all get rich and we dummies footing the bill wonder why nothing ever gets better at the local level

Think the Obama years of horribly failed "green energy companies" that ALL went belly up.

I have a 100% off grid PERMITTED house in the Rockies of Colorado.  It's built of straw and stucco , has 20 inch walls with an R factor of over 50 and is totally energy efficient - wood heat, tankless water heater, energy savings LP stove w electronic ignitions septic, well, solar and wind - designed for a very low footprint and with exception to gas for the stove for cooking, everything is run off wind and solar.

Well guess what - BECAUSE my home IS 100% OFF GRID, I can't get a loan on it !!    NOPE, federal government does not back loans on off grid, local banks don't.  But my  house was using electric from A COMPANY, I could get a loan  

So much for the New Green Deal BS - b/c you can't get any greener than we are.  

Ilinois has some of the worst roads and the highest taxes on EVERYTHING.  Their DVM just jacked the price of a license plate by $100 !!!

The list goes on and on.  So all this bill really does is throw good money after bad and puts us MORE TRILLIONS in debt.

How long do we have to be lied to before we stand up and say no more?

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Re: Home Rule/State Rule vs Federal Rule - george Hubka/MI
12/13/2021 12:37:13 PM (2558 views)
Re: Home Rule/State Rule vs Federal Rule - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
12/13/2021 7:01:44 PM (2525 views)
Re: Home Rule/State Rule vs Federal Rule - george Hubka/MI
12/13/2021 8:55:43 PM (2512 views)
Re: Home Rule/State Rule vs Federal Rule - george Hubka/MI
12/19/2021 9:26:30 PM (2447 views)
Re: Home Rule/State Rule vs Federal Rule - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
12/20/2021 11:18:31 AM (2459 views)

DRN , no pay. - A. Christopher Hohenfels/VA
11/5/2021 10:32:28 AM (1759 views)
Re: DRN ,partial paid, took a while - A. Christopher Hohenfels/VA
11/7/2021 8:23:17 PM (2232 views)
Re: DRN , paid in full, all ok - A. Christopher Hohenfels/VA
1/29/2022 10:43:58 AM (1510 views)

DRN any reports ? - A. Christopher Hohenfels/VA
11/5/2021 10:24:00 AM (1652 views)
Re: DRN any reports ? - Smitty Strickland/SC
11/7/2021 4:36:59 PM (2107 views)
Re: DRN any reports ? - Joyce Harper/OH
11/8/2021 10:11:24 AM (2001 views)

E&O - sharon tornes/MN
10/28/2021 10:36:46 AM (1391 views)
Re: E&O - Smitty Strickland/SC
10/30/2021 7:34:19 PM (1960 views)
Re: E&O - Jeanine Johnson/MN
12/6/2021 5:18:07 PM (1679 views)

10/26/2021 2:19:52 PM (1923 views)
Re: Fee - DB Title Solutions/CA
10/31/2021 4:48:24 AM (2154 views)
10/31/2021 9:03:38 PM (2064 views)
Re: Fee - Paula Reynolds/FL
11/1/2021 8:38:06 AM (2176 views)
Re: Fee - Smitty Strickland/SC
11/1/2021 4:19:06 PM (2152 views)
Re: Fee - george Hubka/MI
12/13/2021 12:39:23 PM (1625 views)
11/8/2021 11:04:43 PM (1839 views)
Re: Fee - Rene Blevins/VA
11/8/2021 12:17:47 PM (1909 views)
11/8/2021 11:05:36 PM (1890 views)
Re: Fee - Chris Crook/GA
11/8/2021 8:57:34 PM (1953 views)
12/7/2021 6:06:59 PM (1803 views)

Cook County, Illinois Title Plant - Ted Williamson/TX
10/25/2021 11:51:15 AM (1372 views)
Re: Cook County, Illinois Title Plant - Vaish S/IN
10/25/2021 12:08:51 PM (1971 views)
Re: Cook County, Illinois Title Plant - Ted Williamson/TX
10/25/2021 12:12:57 PM (1853 views)
Re: Cook County, Illinois Title Plant - Vincent Clarance/CA
10/26/2021 9:26:16 PM (1806 views)
Re: Cook County, Illinois Title Plant - Vaish S/IN
10/27/2021 2:01:03 PM (1872 views)
Re: Cook County, Illinois Title Plant - Jay Duncan/MO
10/28/2021 9:32:32 AM (1773 views)
Re: Cook County, Illinois Title Plant - Vaish S/IN
10/28/2021 9:49:45 AM (1856 views)
Re: Cook County, Illinois Title Plant - Jay Duncan/MO
10/28/2021 9:58:34 AM (1862 views)
Re: Cook County, Illinois Title Plant - SUZANNE WALLACE/CA
11/8/2021 11:08:49 PM (1673 views)
Re: Cook County, Illinois Title Plant - Robert Franco/OH
10/25/2021 12:32:54 PM (1849 views)
Re: Cook County, Illinois Title Plant - SUZANNE WALLACE/CA
11/8/2021 11:10:47 PM (1640 views)
Re: Cook County, Illinois RECORDER not Title Plant - Victoria Moate/NJ
11/16/2021 10:00:08 PM (1615 views)

TitleIT Inc - William Duncan/SC
10/21/2021 11:15:08 AM (1527 views)
11/8/2021 11:13:25 PM (1647 views)

AMI Services - Marilyn Knobel/NY
10/21/2021 11:05:03 AM (1362 views)
Re: AMI Services - William Duncan/SC
10/21/2021 11:14:47 AM (1938 views)

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