Some of your comments are valid re needing the coverage to match, BUT this title company only deals with residential refi's and it is hard to find a house in Michigan that's worth $500,000 -- especially in the counties they're working in! If it were a matter of doing a lot of commercial work, I'd understand. However, when it comes to commercial, does ANYONE really have 40 or 50 (or more) million dollars worth of insurance? Maybe they do. Don't know of any abstractor who goes over a million. I will sometimes insist that a client accept my "I ain't liable for NOTHIN" disclaimer on commercial work 'cuz it is so far over my limits, but I also depend on the corporation to protect my personal assets.
You're more in tune with this end of the business than I am, Robert. What do you think? How do the big companies get E&O for big office buildings' title work?
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