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[+] Reverse ValuNet - Abstractor Style - Scott Aduddell/MO (2 replies)
6/11/2009 10:03:01 AM (3092 views)

Jade Data Research, Inc. - Edward Huguenin/SC
6/10/2009 10:58:48 PM (2644 views)

[+] Slow Pay?? - Ellen Maher/MI (2 replies)
6/10/2009 2:28:38 PM (3128 views)

[+] allowable seller contributions from "any loan" - cynthia heed/TX (3 replies)
6/9/2009 10:52:34 PM (2678 views)

[+] Order Tracking and Turn Time Software - Justin Rhoades/NE (1 reply)
6/9/2009 2:38:22 PM (3129 views)

Real Title Services

[+] The Other Shoe Has Yet To Drop - AbstractorWatchdog com/NY (1 reply)
6/8/2009 9:19:28 PM (4051 views)

[-] Multiple Choice... - Robert Franco/OH (24 replies)
6/8/2009 10:51:53 AM (4351 views)
Re: Multiple Choice... - Dorothy Payne/NY
6/8/2009 11:34:47 AM (2741 views)
Re: Multiple Choice... - Dave Pell/GA
6/8/2009 12:07:25 PM (2523 views)
Re: Multiple Choice... - Karen Hurley/KY
6/8/2009 2:48:08 PM (2530 views)
Re: Multiple Choice... - Dave Pell/GA
6/8/2009 3:35:38 PM (2461 views)
Re: Multiple Choice... - Robert Franco/OH
6/8/2009 3:40:19 PM (2471 views)
Re: Multiple Choice... - Patrick Scott/IL
6/8/2009 5:01:56 PM (2504 views)
Re: Multiple Choice... - James "Lin" Toney, Jr,/MS
6/8/2009 5:55:04 PM (2470 views)
Re: Multiple Choice... - Jessica Talley/NJ
6/8/2009 7:22:12 PM (2414 views)
Re: Multiple Choice... - J. H./OH
6/8/2009 9:34:39 PM (2470 views)
Re: Multiple Choice... - Karen Hurley/KY
6/9/2009 12:38:54 AM (2303 views)
And, the correct answer is... - Robert Franco/OH
6/9/2009 10:30:39 AM (2541 views)

"C, The bank is entitled to $30,000, the financing company is entitled to $20,000, and the driver is entitled to the remaining $40,000."  J.H. got the answer right, with the correct explanation.

Like most of you, I also selected "A."  In the real world, the plaintiff in the foreclosure would serve everyone with an interest in the property, which would seem to include cyclist.  Cyclist is going to file an answer claiming the first and best lien, and cyclist would get paid first.  I think that is assuming more facts than they gave us, however.

Like, J.H. said, the problem specifically mentions that bank joined the financing company in the suit, but it did not mention cyclist at all in this regard.  Thus, as a non-party to the foreclosure, cyclists lien would be undisturbed and the buyer at the sheriff's sale will take subject to it. 

Here is the rule that they want us to learn, and what they are attempting to test with this question:

Foreclosure destroys all interests junior to the mortgage being foreclosed and does not affect any interest senior to the mortgage being foreclosed.

I just don't like this rule... at least the way it is phrased.  Rather, I think that it depends more on whether the party was joined in the suit than whether the lien is junior or senior.  However, perhaps the correct distinction is that if cyclist were made a party, he would answer and request that his lien be foreclosed on first, then the rule would make sense.

I still don't like the outcome... the cyclist with the first lien here was not served with notice of the suit and he could have been paid in full.  Worse, the driver walked away with $40,000.  But, cyclist would still be able to try to recover from driver or foreclose on the new owner if he doesn't pay up.

Thanks, everyone, for the great discussion.

Robert A. Franco


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Re: And, the correct answer is... - Dave Pell/GA
6/9/2009 11:59:48 AM (2379 views)
Re: And, the correct answer is... - Robert Franco/OH
6/9/2009 12:27:25 PM (2429 views)
Re: And, the correct answer is... - george Hubka/MI
6/9/2009 9:12:28 PM (2366 views)
Re: And, the correct answer is... - Patrick Scott/IL
6/9/2009 11:12:06 PM (2349 views)
Re: And, the correct answer is... - Robert Franco/OH
6/10/2009 11:04:32 AM (2318 views)
Re: And, the correct answer is... - Robert Franco/OH
6/10/2009 10:59:52 AM (2321 views)
Re: And, the correct answer is... - george Hubka/MI
6/10/2009 11:07:37 AM (2239 views)
Re: And, the correct answer is... - Robert Franco/OH
6/10/2009 11:32:25 AM (2317 views)
Re: And, the correct answer is... - Karen Hurley/KY
6/10/2009 2:29:06 PM (2337 views)
Re: And, the correct answer is... - J. H./OH
6/10/2009 3:48:54 PM (2314 views)
Re: And, the correct answer is... - Cyril Gonzales, III/LA
6/15/2009 12:43:18 PM (2260 views)
Re: And, the correct answer is... - Robert Franco/OH
6/15/2009 1:08:57 PM (2229 views)
Re: And, the correct answer is... - Dave Pell/GA
6/15/2009 4:40:21 PM (2415 views)

[+] Michigan Pre Foreclosure Fees - Ellen Maher/MI (20 replies)
6/6/2009 4:00:49 PM (3040 views)

[+] Verification Bureau - Donna Stovall/NY (2 replies)
6/5/2009 3:07:04 PM (2629 views)

[+] Prferred Document - No Pay Company - Mary Buchanan/IN (1 reply)
6/2/2009 10:28:09 AM (2834 views)

[+] Equity National/ ValuNet - Joanie Hahr/VT (5 replies)
6/1/2009 9:26:19 PM (3453 views)

$1900.00 to file a foreclosure in Florida - Dave Pell/GA
6/1/2009 11:58:55 AM (3618 views)

[+] Title Companies - Eric Mattson/WV (2 replies)
6/1/2009 3:34:30 AM (3071 views)

[+] FULL 40 year searches $? - K.C./CA (5 replies)
5/28/2009 6:55:00 PM (3096 views)

[+] Question to MI abstractors - Alix Ott/MI (2 replies)
5/28/2009 5:20:21 PM (2946 views)

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