I will most certainly agree with you that they don't. Though our policy has always been and always will be if you don't receive payment you are to contact us immediately. This is even on our order form. We have a few vendors who do not send us invoices with the order and we are very busy company with a small staff. So yes, some things may get misplaced or filed. We apologize to any who this happens to though, I am sure we are not the only company where this may have happened. NOTE: To any vendors who read this, especially the ones we already deal with understand how we pay and can agree. Our policy is 30 days out from invoice, though most will know that I pay up to date when payment is made. Ex. Today is 8/18/2009 so if I am slightly behind, as I was in this situation, payment would be cleared through today's date not 30 days behind. WE DO NOT HOLD PAYMENTS, EACH MONTH ALL FILES ARE PAID IN FULL. Though furthermore, I believe that as an abstractor if you can't pick up a phone to call for your money, instead go and complain on the web when if you would have called you would have found out that your check was cut 5 days prior to the email. I am sure that is not proper protocal; business ethical, or even a valid reason to complain if you don't get the facts first. As I am sure most will agree a phone call first should have happened in this situation. Which never did.
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