I can't remember if I've actually worked for Eclipse, but I've received requests for a Price List & County Coverage area from them.
Consider yourself fortunate. I have one company that owes me from November 2008 & another that will be a YEAR behind next month & they were OVER a year behind. Neither are a LOT of money, but my business consists of me & my partner; so ANY money is a LOT of money to us. Together, it's about $1,100.00, but that's money we EARNED. We only have about 3 companies that pay us in less than 60 days. I've been VERY patient & WAY too NICE. I've let one company pay half of the monthly invoice at a time. The other company, I've offered to let them just pay even $10 or $20 per week & they haven't even sent THAT! I just can't be MEAN, but I'm on the verge of learning how to be!!! It's my business & I could let my partner handle collecting our money, but we'd probably never have any more business!!!
I hope you get your money soon!
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