Thanks for your comments. I will definitely check into these companies. Truly, for the last 4 or 5 yrs., TIAC gave me the best coverage for a lower fee even w/the ALTA dues. By the way those dues were reduced if you make less than $200k. Apparently it was always that way but they didn't make it easily known until last year . Someone else had told me about it 2 yrs. ago and when I called I was given the reduced fee. This yr., ALTA sent out notices of the reduction. Too bad they wouldn't credit me w/the higher fees I paid for the other yrs. I didn't mind paying the ALTA dues because of the insurance fee reduction and have also gotten work being in their directory. I do know of some who have E & O w/State Farm. I am one who will have to feel stupid now, because before their rates were higher than mine and that probably is no longer the case.
It really bothers me that abstractors like us are punished for those that had claims because they used online records where/when not appropriate, used overseas persons, or even locals who jumped in when it was busy and had no clue what they were doing but they were "cheaper". That to me is the real reason for the increase "due to the real estate crisis and sub-prime market".
Thanks again.
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