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Mortgage Fraud the new target! - David Chisolm/MS
8/20/2009 2:51:56 PM (4696 views)
Re: Mortgage Fraud the new target! - Patrick Scott/IL
8/22/2009 1:04:53 AM (4438 views)
Re: Mortgage Fraud the new target! - george Hubka/MI
8/22/2009 3:33:49 PM (4470 views)
Re: Mortgage Fraud the new target! - David Chisolm/MS
8/22/2009 3:48:17 PM (4315 views)
Re: Mortgage Fraud the new target! - Patrick Scott/IL
8/23/2009 2:13:55 AM (4256 views)

A big 'thank you' to the OAITA! - Robert Franco/OH
8/20/2009 9:58:47 AM (4729 views)
Re: A big 'thank you' to the OAITA! - Michaela Urban/OH
8/20/2009 11:27:53 AM (4221 views)
Re: A big 'thank you' to the OAITA! - Joyce Harper/OH
8/20/2009 3:55:10 PM (4241 views)
Re: A big 'thank you' to the OAITA! - OAITA/OH
8/24/2009 10:30:39 AM (6336 views)

A.I.T.F. Retrieval Services - Ray Glowniak/CA
8/19/2009 2:10:55 PM (5126 views)
Re: A.I.T.F. Retrieval Services - Ken Ungarsohn/NJ
8/20/2009 3:05:55 PM (4762 views)
Re: A.I.T.F. Retrieval Services - Ray Glowniak/CA
8/26/2009 12:06:01 PM (4354 views)
Re: A.I.T.F. Retrieval Services - Jamie Stallings/TN
12/14/2009 11:47:13 PM (4221 views)
Re: A.I.T.F. Retrieval Services - na siglio/NY
8/20/2009 4:19:29 PM (4668 views)
Re: A.I.T.F. Retrieval Services - george Hubka/MI
8/21/2009 12:53:46 PM (4807 views)
Re: A.I.T.F. Retrieval Services - Jamie Stallings/TN
1/4/2010 7:56:13 PM (4143 views)
Re: A.I.T.F. Retrieval Services - Valerie Symons/IL
9/7/2010 3:54:55 PM (4155 views)
Re: A.I.T.F. Retrieval Services - Valerie Symons/IL
9/8/2010 10:35:23 AM (3828 views) - PJ/CA
8/19/2009 12:27:57 PM (4497 views)

Back Forty Abstracts, LLC - Edward Huguenin/SC
8/15/2009 11:48:33 AM (3471 views)

Apex Professionals, LLC - Edward Huguenin/SC
8/15/2009 11:44:53 AM (3406 views)

Eclipse and American Residential Abstracts no pay - Shannon Budziak/VT
8/15/2009 9:19:39 AM (4283 views)
Re: Eclipse and American Residential Abstracts no pay - Brenda Palmer/TN
8/17/2009 2:55:47 AM (4895 views)
American Residential Abstracts DOES pay - Jessica Obitz/MD
8/17/2009 9:02:55 AM (4850 views)
Re: American Residential Abstracts DOES pay - george Hubka/MI
8/17/2009 11:11:14 AM (4612 views)
Re: American Residential Abstracts DOES pay - Jessica Obitz/MD
8/18/2009 7:59:10 AM (4517 views)
Re: American Residential Abstracts DOES pay - george Hubka/MI
8/18/2009 8:02:30 AM (4595 views)
Re: American Residential Abstracts DOES pay - Jessica Obitz/MD
8/18/2009 8:30:55 AM (4594 views)
Re: American Residential Abstracts DOES pay - george Hubka/MI
8/18/2009 10:53:28 PM (4436 views)
Re: American Residential Abstracts DOES pay - Shannon Budziak/VT
8/31/2009 7:24:36 AM (4217 views)
Re: American Residential Abstracts DOES pay - Jessica Obitz/MD
8/31/2009 9:30:13 AM (4342 views)
Re: American Residential Abstracts DOES pay - george Hubka/MI
9/8/2009 12:29:50 PM (4318 views)
Re: American Residential Abstracts DOES pay - Jessica Obitz/MD
9/15/2009 9:13:04 AM (4089 views)
Re: American Residential Abstracts DOES pay - Jessica Obitz/MD
8/18/2009 7:55:24 AM (4563 views)
Re: American Residential Abstracts DOES pay - Constance Foye/VA
8/18/2009 2:42:29 PM (4709 views)
Re: Eclipse and American Residential Abstracts no pay - Wayne Schutt II/NY
8/17/2009 10:34:53 AM (4763 views)
Re: Eclipse and American Residential Abstracts no pay - george Hubka/MI
8/17/2009 11:00:46 AM (4708 views)
Re: Eclipse and American Residential Abstracts no pay - Tammy Skrzypek/VA
8/17/2009 11:30:43 AM (4911 views)
Re: Eclipse and American Residential Abstracts no pay - Kurt deVries/FL
8/19/2009 3:13:52 PM (4745 views)
Re: Eclipse and American Residential Abstracts no pay - SM/IL
8/19/2009 11:38:19 PM (4790 views)
Re: Eclipse and American Residential Abstracts no pay - Jason Beter/WV
8/24/2009 9:50:37 PM (4439 views)

E & O Increase - Helene /GA
8/14/2009 1:30:39 AM (3917 views)
Re: E & O Increase - Langdon Knight/MO
8/14/2009 9:40:34 AM (4624 views)
Re: E & O Increase - Glenda Hodge/TN
8/14/2009 11:30:19 AM (4635 views)
Re: E & O Increase - Langdon Knight/MO
8/17/2009 12:56:45 AM (4599 views)
Re: E & O Increase - Robert Franco/OH
8/14/2009 9:53:11 AM (6491 views)
Re: E & O Increase - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/14/2009 10:21:55 AM (4752 views)
Re: E & O Increase - Helene/GA
8/16/2009 10:20:14 PM (4522 views)
Re: E & O Increase - Langdon Knight/MO
8/17/2009 1:03:02 AM (4469 views)

Reutrned doccument fees revisited - Dan Zook/NY
8/13/2009 11:12:31 AM (3824 views)
Re: Returned document fees revisited - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
8/13/2009 2:42:55 PM (4546 views)
nothing to correct so why charge? - William Pattison /CA
8/17/2009 11:20:08 AM (4365 views)
Re: nothing to correct so why charge? - george Hubka/MI
8/18/2009 7:58:13 AM (4282 views)
Re: nothing to correct so why charge? - Dan Zook/NY
8/18/2009 9:24:59 AM (4384 views)
Re: nothing to correct so why charge? - William Pattison /CA
8/21/2009 7:36:02 PM (4267 views)
Re: nothing to correct so why charge? - george Hubka/MI
8/22/2009 3:37:18 PM (4283 views)
Re: nothing to correct so why charge? - Dan Zook/NY
8/25/2009 11:43:18 AM (4285 views)

Why are they called underwriters? - Robert Franco/OH
8/12/2009 10:43:08 AM (4580 views)
Re: Why are they called underwriters? - Ken/TX
8/12/2009 5:40:13 PM (4923 views)
Re: Why are they called underwriters? - Robert Franco/OH
8/13/2009 9:53:17 AM (4761 views)
Re: Why are they called underwriters? - george Hubka/MI
8/16/2009 5:41:58 PM (4577 views)
Re: Why are they called underwriters? - Robert Franco/OH
8/17/2009 9:57:23 AM (4650 views)
Re: Why are they called underwriters? - Kevin Ahern/CT
8/19/2009 6:59:35 AM (4553 views)
Re: Why are they called underwriters? - george Hubka/MI
8/19/2009 9:37:48 AM (4450 views)
Re: Why are they called underwriters? - Robert Franco/OH
8/19/2009 10:09:42 AM (4573 views)
Re: Why are they called underwriters? - Kevin Ahern/CT
8/19/2009 10:13:50 AM (4902 views)

Owner's Policy with inappropiate Schedule B - edward hartung/OH
8/12/2009 12:27:27 AM (3882 views)
Re: Owner's Policy with inappropriate Schedule B - Robert Franco/OH
8/12/2009 10:37:19 AM (6455 views)
Re: Owner's Policy with inappropriate Schedule B - edward hartung/OH
8/12/2009 5:48:13 PM (4641 views)

Thanks for spelling inappropriate appropriately!

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Re: Owner's Policy with inappropriate Schedule B - Robert Franco/OH
8/12/2009 7:07:17 PM (4616 views)
Re: Owner's Policy with inappropriate Schedule B - David Chisolm/MS
8/22/2009 4:36:38 PM (4267 views)

Return Doc fees ???? - george Hubka/MI
8/10/2009 7:13:43 PM (3939 views)
Re: Return Doc fees ???? - Donna Stovall/NY
8/10/2009 7:59:25 PM (4792 views)
Re: Return Doc fees ???? - John Sauers/NY
8/11/2009 11:03:24 AM (4650 views)
Re: Return Doc fees ???? - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
8/11/2009 12:15:06 PM (5174 views)
Re: Return Doc fees ???? - Dan Zook/NY
8/11/2009 3:14:35 PM (4773 views)
Re: Return Doc fees ???? - Dorothy Payne/NY
8/11/2009 6:04:27 PM (4673 views)
Re: Return Doc fees ???? - george Hubka/MI
8/11/2009 10:29:22 PM (4707 views)
Re: Return Doc fees ???? - george Hubka/MI
8/11/2009 10:32:03 PM (4631 views)
Re: Return Doc fees ???? - george Hubka/MI
8/11/2009 10:36:35 PM (4735 views)
Re: Return Doc fees ???? - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
8/13/2009 8:41:02 AM (4639 views)
Re: Return Doc fees ???? - PHILIP YIANILOS/VA
8/13/2009 9:40:14 AM (4668 views)
Re: Return Doc fees ???? - Alix Ott/MI
8/17/2009 8:19:52 AM (4568 views)
Re: Return Doc fees ???? - george Hubka/MI
8/17/2009 10:55:25 AM (4373 views)
Re: Return Doc fees ???? - William Pattison /CA
8/17/2009 11:23:07 AM (4540 views)

8/7/2009 7:39:23 PM (4457 views)
Re: AFX Corp - Nils Nelson/ME
8/8/2009 8:59:30 AM (5043 views)
Re: AFX Corp - Jason Beter/WV
8/9/2009 1:42:01 AM (4902 views)
Re: AFX Corp - Angela Lawrimore/SC
8/10/2009 7:59:15 PM (4772 views)
Re: AFX Corp - Dave Pell/GA
8/11/2009 9:35:11 PM (4783 views)
Re: AFX Corp - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/12/2009 12:38:45 PM (4798 views)
Re: AFX Corp - Angela Lawrimore/SC
8/20/2009 11:40:15 AM (4681 views)
8/10/2009 12:19:55 PM (4718 views)
Re: AFX Corp - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/10/2009 3:29:23 PM (4643 views)
Re: AFX Corp - Langdon Knight/MO
8/14/2009 9:44:06 AM (4591 views)
Re: AFX Corp - William Pattison /CA
8/17/2009 11:27:07 AM (4601 views)
Re: AFX Corp - Ray Young/GA
8/24/2009 12:33:06 PM (4467 views)

Cutting our own throats $4.75 searches - Mike Creedon/FL
8/7/2009 12:56:47 PM (5933 views)
Re: Cutting our own throats $4.75 searches - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/7/2009 6:52:45 PM (5221 views)
Re: Cutting our own throats $4.75 searches - Patrick Scott/IL
8/7/2009 11:26:15 PM (5237 views)
Re: Cutting our own throats $4.75 searches - PAULA DEEM  REYNOLDS/FL
8/10/2009 7:47:23 AM (5075 views)
Re: Cutting our own throats $4.75 searches - Kacy Howland/OH
8/10/2009 8:20:41 AM (4978 views)
Re: Cutting our own throats $4.75 searches - Jean Lurtsema/AK
8/10/2009 2:38:50 PM (4932 views)
Re: Cutting our own throats $4.75 searches - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
8/10/2009 3:26:12 PM (4966 views)
Re: Cutting our own throats $4.75 searches - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/10/2009 3:48:22 PM (4873 views)
Re: Cutting our own throats $4.75 searches - Denise Howes/ME
8/12/2009 8:09:41 PM (4824 views)
Re: Cutting our own throats $4.75 searches - Helene/GA
8/14/2009 12:15:51 AM (4813 views)
Re: Cutting our own throats $4.75 searches - David Chisolm/MS
8/17/2009 8:52:26 PM (4632 views)
Re: Cutting our own throats $4.75 searches - William Pattison /CA
8/21/2009 7:41:18 PM (4522 views)
Re: Cutting our own throats $4.75 searches - David Chisolm/MS
8/22/2009 4:39:31 PM (4548 views)

I'm back... - Robert Franco/OH
8/6/2009 12:42:27 PM (4070 views)
Re: I'm back... - Clanci Nelson/OH
8/6/2009 4:00:56 PM (4432 views)
Re: I'm back... - Patrick Scott/IL
8/7/2009 11:29:41 PM (4451 views)
Re: I'm back... - Robert Franco/OH
8/9/2009 10:14:40 AM (4337 views)

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