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The Utility of Twitter - William Pattison /CA
7/22/2009 1:42:48 PM (2884 views)

[+] Wall Street Journal Title Insurance Article - Dave Pell/GA (3 replies)
7/22/2009 9:54:52 AM (4822 views)

Convoluted West Coast Logic - William Pattison /CA
7/20/2009 4:11:09 PM (2772 views)

[+] TITLE ABSTRACTORS E&O - Saundra  Scott/MD (10 replies)
7/20/2009 1:47:42 PM (3790 views)

[+] Appalchian Trivia - Kevin Ahern/CT (4 replies)
7/20/2009 9:35:36 AM (2994 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Advice needed - Edward Vickrey/GA (2 replies)
7/20/2009 7:28:55 AM (3251 views)

[+] First American - Phyllis Agan/GA (5 replies)
7/19/2009 9:28:17 AM (3875 views)

[+] Accurate Group/East Coast Real Estate - Robert Battle/NC (3 replies)
7/18/2009 9:04:53 AM (3488 views)

[+] I'm Curious - AbstractorWatchdog com/NY (1 reply)
7/16/2009 11:12:14 PM (4653 views)

NY - Deed Transfers - lost titles - Clanci Nelson/OH
7/16/2009 4:03:33 PM (2794 views)

[+] I'm Curious - AbstractorWatchdog com/NY (6 replies)
7/16/2009 11:35:12 AM (3354 views)

[+] Working with Service Link - Ken Ungarsohn/NJ (4 replies)
7/16/2009 10:24:22 AM (4602 views)

[+] eTitle or e-Title - Alix Ott/MI (2 replies)
7/10/2009 4:38:00 PM (3658 views)

[+] E + O insurance + realtors - CHRISTIE NIELSEN/ID (3 replies)
7/10/2009 2:20:04 PM (3497 views)

[-] E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - Alix Ott/MI (21 replies)
7/10/2009 1:30:20 PM (3699 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - Jessica Talley/NJ
7/10/2009 3:54:03 PM (3586 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - Alix Ott/MI
7/10/2009 4:00:33 PM (3601 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - Clanci Nelson/OH
7/13/2009 9:18:25 AM (3489 views)

I actually had a lender tell me that not too long ago.  "They" insisted we raise our E&O or "they" would have to seek services somewhere else.  As a title co. we do comply with the state laws but alas this was an out of state lender and it was the only thing that they could nit pick to kick me out claiming that we are not on the "approved" title co. list and we couldn't be added because our E&O was too low.  We told them we comply with our state laws and if they so choose to go somewhere else that is fine with us. 

Makes me wonder why they are so concerned with our E&O.   I know it is CYA time but it also raises a red flag to me that says, when these deals fail "they" will look to point the finger at one of us. 

Not sure how "they" get away with that but it happens all the time.


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Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - george Hubka/MI
7/12/2009 8:52:09 AM (3482 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - Robert Franco/OH
7/13/2009 12:46:28 PM (3406 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - george Hubka/MI
7/13/2009 1:46:15 PM (3407 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - Robert Franco/OH
7/13/2009 10:10:05 AM (3440 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - Alix Ott/MI
7/15/2009 4:53:04 PM (3244 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - Robert Franco/OH
7/15/2009 5:15:57 PM (3300 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - Kevin Ahern/CT
7/16/2009 10:56:47 AM (3366 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - Alix Ott/MI
7/18/2009 8:17:06 PM (3243 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - Kevin Ahern/CT
7/19/2009 6:18:57 AM (3288 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - george Hubka/MI
7/20/2009 5:51:41 PM (3156 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - Alix Ott/MI
7/21/2009 4:19:00 PM (3159 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - Clanci Nelson/OH
7/30/2009 2:40:33 PM (3081 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - Robert Franco/OH
7/21/2009 10:22:01 AM (3068 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - Saundra  Scott/MD
7/20/2009 2:11:51 PM (3219 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - Clanci Nelson/OH
7/30/2009 2:38:37 PM (4758 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - Kevin Ahern/CT
8/1/2009 1:52:30 PM (3079 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - george Hubka/MI
8/1/2009 4:50:49 PM (3108 views)
Re: E&O - Co. says I have to match THEIR insurance - Clanci Nelson/OH
8/6/2009 4:13:37 PM (3094 views)

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