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[+] Twitter - Heather Seymour/IN (3 replies)
7/7/2009 6:24:59 PM (3401 views)

[+] US Land Title, LLC - Serena Stout/VA (1 reply)
7/7/2009 6:06:29 PM (3583 views)

[+] how much work going on out there - Threasa Davis/KY (12 replies)
7/7/2009 10:23:42 AM (3759 views)

[+] Kensington - Dan Zook/NY (2 replies)
7/6/2009 2:12:49 PM (3546 views)

[+] can someone post Michael J's will - Cyril Gonzales, III/LA (10 replies)
7/2/2009 10:17:51 AM (3613 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Has anyone else been asked to d this? - NANCY WALLACE/NJ (15 replies)
7/1/2009 10:39:37 PM (3817 views)

[+] LandAmerica - Smitty Strickland/SC (20 replies)
7/1/2009 7:41:39 AM (4084 views)

[+] Question - Laurie E/MD (1 reply)
6/29/2009 6:29:09 PM (3466 views)

[-] mineral/oil/gas liability - Nathan Miller/KY (4 replies)
6/29/2009 5:05:45 PM (3624 views)
Re: mineral/oil/gas liability - Ray Young/GA
6/30/2009 8:58:25 AM (2983 views)
Re: mineral/oil/gas liability - Jeanine Johnson/MN
6/30/2009 2:23:25 PM (2881 views)
Re: mineral/oil/gas liability - Alix Ott/MI
6/30/2009 5:57:19 PM (2969 views)

Nathan:  AT LEAST YOU AND THE OTHER ABSTRACTORS WHO HAVE COMMENTED HERE ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND THE DANGER!  Jeez, I'm tired of telling title companies how much liability they're taking on when they start talking mineral rights.

I'm actually a Landman (oil/gas title person) and a mortgage-end-of-the-business abstractor.  Having run title for oil/gas in your state (and WV and PA and my own state of Michigan) I urge you in no uncertain terms to explain that if they want a mineral rights and/or oil/gas rights (sometimes those are wrapped in with minerals; sometimes not -- depends on the state), they should contact a Landman.  The search fee could be VERY high depending on the difficulty.  (Landmen often do entire sections back to patent, listing all documents along the way, and those projects can cost tens of thousands of dollars.)  Please do NOT do oil/gas/mineral searches unless you have someone experienced in your state explain the pitfalls.  Some mortgage abstract people can never make the switch to thinking in multiple layers, but I believe any good mortgage abstractor can switch to minerals with just a little extra training.  (Landmen tend to be a bit prissy about their abilities.)

I have a two page letter explaining in excruciating detail why a mortgage/title company should not insure for minerals when they're really only dealing with the surface.  It does lean towards Michigan (which has a 20 year dormancy law), but it is pretty generic and you're welcome to plagiarize it.  Please e-mail me directly at           oily@ArgentTitleResearch.com


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Re: mineral/oil/gas liability - GARY IMES/WV
7/6/2009 12:55:09 PM (2929 views)

[+] American Abstract - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA (5 replies)
6/29/2009 10:01:46 AM (3498 views)

[+] MORTILES, LLC - martha campbell/VA (2 replies)
6/29/2009 6:44:13 AM (7744 views)

[+] Title Agency Support Services (KY company) - Alix Ott/MI (2 replies)
6/28/2009 9:33:16 PM (3580 views)

NALTEA October Conference - Lynn Hammett/SC
6/28/2009 6:37:19 PM (2702 views)

[+] Info on Abstractors A Go Go - george Hubka/MI (10 replies)
6/26/2009 10:34:26 PM (4875 views)

[+] Contemporary Title dba Texas Pioneer Title Advantage Title Partners LLC. - Dan Zook/NY (5 replies)
6/26/2009 10:16:45 AM (5784 views)

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