Steve, I would be interested in seeing what you have come up with. Your post spells out our frustrations exactly. We can't write title insurance here in SC and I agree that TSS is too expensive. There was another program once that archived the files online but it was horrendously expensive when I didn't need online access to my files. I actually have a workflow already designed on paper, but I do not have the requisite computer skills to create the database so that it will function as a complete program. I KNOW how to create the basic individual databases (contact, vendors, land description, invoice, orders, etc), it's the linking them all together so the information is entered once (i.e. the order entered and given an order number, which then autocompletes onto the rest of the forms needed--invoice, property report) that stumps me. And we are too busy for me to reach the learning curve fast enough to continue trying to do this myself. I will tell you that we have Access 2003, but I am open to purchasing Works or any other basic program if I can get a database package that works or is customizable to working.
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