James: I have spent a fortune on"database" programs, looking for the "one" that addresses all of the many options we encounter in doing titles. I have tried File maker, FoxPro, Access, Alpha-5( this is a very good one- they just update and revise it faster than I can get the hang of the version I have!) and last Microsoft Works. The program offered by TSS is also a very good one- just way too expensive and has a lot of title insurance fields that are not needed for abstracting or land data entry.
I found that preserving the basic title work- as in up to the point land has become a subdivision or as in doing the back work on acreage is the best way to save data regarding the core title work-( this uses very little memory too, can be transported on a flash drive with no problem) all of the rest can be kept in another format (and for this I use Paperport) that contains the details of the current title information and all the copies and notes I have uncovered during the search.
I have offered to assist anyone on here to develop new database formats and have had some takers - I currently use MSWorks as my database- , have used it since 1992 and now have over 10,000 subdivision and or acreage files within it-the limits are 30,000 records- so I think I will be able to use it for quite some time.
Feel free to inquire of any of my trials- And best of luck with what you are developing- it takes a long time to get everything in the system- just follow your front sheet for data fields and that will help you in the format.
Steve Meinecke
Franklin, Tn
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