If you had to make a choice between a big screen TV and medical care, you can choose.
I wouldn't argue with that. However, what if the choice is between getting medical care and becoming homeless? Or, buying your $75/pill meds or eating for a week? Don't you find it ironic that the price of a big screen TV has dropped by several hundred percent, but the cost of necessary medical treatment has continually increased beyoned the reach of more and more Americans?
Let's not forget that all of those people who are doing well enough to be able to afford medical care acquired their wealth thanks to a country with a free enterprise system that allows people to better their lives. Along with that, I believe, comes a responsibility to help those less who are fortunate. It seems rather cold-hearted to say "I got mine, screw everyone else."
And, I would also mention that most of the people who are so opposed to helping the less fortunate are same ones who continually say that this country was founded on Christian principals... it isn't very Christian to turn away those who can't afford necessary medical treatment.
Robert A. Franco
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