Homeowner's insurance is not the same. If my house burns down and I don't have insurance, I bear the loss and your rates are not affected at all. That isn't the case with health insurance... if "Rob Franco" has a heart attack and no insurance, the hospital will still provide treatment and everyone else pays for it through higher costs.
I agree with you that when people have free insurance, they don't care what the cost is. And, I do not believe that it should be free - except for those who cannot afford to pay anything (and they are already getting free insurance through some type of welfare). But, the government can supplement some of the cost for insurance (and they don't have to cover elective procedures). I think that if we get more people covered, the cost should come down. First becasue the insurance companies are spreading their risk over more payers. And, second, the medical community will not have to pass on the cost involved with treating people who can't pay.
Robert A. Franco
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