I realize that none of the post contained the name REO America. However, many companies today change their "labels' constantly. REO America may have been REO something or other last year. It is a constant within this industry, name changes, same ownership etc. So if directing them this way informs them a little...then good.
My real intent was to instruct someone on how to use the "search messages" and do the homework herself instead of having others do the work for her. If nothing is in search messages, on other sites, google or what have you, then ask others for their input. I don't feel the lack of replies meant that no one knew anything about this company, but was an indication of "oh no, here we go again. For example, how many times are we going to beat, "ESS" to death like it was in the past week or two. It started with some one that didn't use search messages, if they had they never would have posted the inquiry.
But, I must admit, I was not aware of using quotes around a search message input and am guilty of not looking into the advance search tips. I really appreciate your input on that. I used it this morning on several others and I liked the return on my criteria. Might be time to do an editorial on how to use the "search messages" function. Thanks again for the additional insight.
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