Stay on them Carrie. I only posted because they finally paid up and in the 2 years that they owed me, I was the only one who posted a negative experience under their Delaware, Chester and Montgomery county listings. I may have missed postings on the discussion board, but when they had a listing with SOT, no one else posted where potential clients would look to find a searcher. Unfortunately he no longer has a listing with SOT, so it's a moot point now. I did threaten, cajole and harrass to get it and it paid off eventually. Call him every day.....refax you invoices every day.....send emails every day! As long as his phone & fax are hooked up, be the biggest pain in the ass that you can be. I find that it does work....who cares if you don't get their work again, as Robert said.....I don't want clients like that anyway!
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