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[+] Should an Abstractor ever be liable for more than the amount of a document that was missed? - John Smith/WY (2 replies)
1/16/2010 3:03:45 PM (3534 views)

[+] REO Land Services, Inc. - Dan Zook/NY (6 replies)
1/14/2010 10:03:10 AM (3922 views)

[+] What would you like to read? - Robert Franco/OH (13 replies)
1/13/2010 12:41:10 PM (3289 views)

[+] ValuAmerica/Urban Settlement - Leigh Attridge/MA (25 replies)
1/13/2010 12:09:37 PM (5291 views)

[+] Kaimen Associates, Inc. - Susan McKee Shifflett/WV (5 replies)
1/12/2010 11:44:52 AM (4470 views)

Real Title Services

[+] National Real Estate - Laurie /MD (8 replies)
1/12/2010 11:20:37 AM (3914 views)

[+] Archives Retrieval Service of Georgia, Inc. - Susan McKee/WV (4 replies)
1/7/2010 4:49:30 PM (3714 views)

[+] Accurate Group - NC - JOSEPH EMERSON/MN (4 replies)
1/6/2010 4:02:36 PM (4297 views)

[+] E & O insurance - Stephen Heidorn/NY (15 replies)
1/6/2010 10:32:28 AM (5145 views)

[+] E-Fax Service OneSuite NONONO! - K Carnation/NJ (15 replies)
1/5/2010 2:33:45 PM (3661 views)

[+] Title Insurance Agent - LAWANDA  MCMILLIAN/AR (1 reply)
1/5/2010 11:42:56 AM (3067 views)

[-] Preferred Choice Title- Cornelius, NC - Jean Allen/NC (4 replies)
1/4/2010 5:49:04 PM (4182 views)
Re: Preferred Choice Title- Cornelius, NC - DANA HOOVER/AR
1/5/2010 2:03:51 PM (2925 views)

The most effective way we have found to get payment is to fax to the debtor a notice that we intend to post in all courthouses in the state which basically reads: "Abstractors Beware.  X Company does not pay their vendors for work done properly and in good faith.  X Company currently owes us $X dollars.  Work for them at your own risk!"  They really don't want these notices posted because NO ONE will do their work after.  It has been very effective in getting us paid past due invoices.  I have had to actually post the sign in the courthouse only once in the last ten years - all the others have paid up quickly to keep us from putting the signs up. I have had companies threaten to sue me if I posted them and my reply was to sue away - they owe me money and I would be happy to meet them in court. Paying me seems to be cheaper than sueing me!  Anyway, it has worked for us. Happy New Year to All.

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Re: Preferred Choice Title- Cornelius, NC - Eric/NC
1/11/2010 10:08:44 AM (2964 views)
Re: Preferred Choice Title- Cornelius, NC - Jean Allen/NC
1/12/2010 9:38:35 AM (2970 views)
Re: Preferred Choice Title- Cornelius, NC - Jeffrey Wright/NC
1/13/2010 1:09:40 PM (3285 views)

[+] US Title Corp - Virginia Capps/TN (5 replies)
1/4/2010 4:48:37 PM (3604 views)

[+] The Swiss Example - Kevin Ahern/CT (51 replies)
1/4/2010 9:15:51 AM (3129 views)

[+] Title Stream bankruptcy - Richard Schwartz/MO (6 replies)
1/3/2010 12:58:27 AM (4245 views)

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