Oh, how silly of me! Cuomo's a Catholic? Why didn't you say so before? That makes all the difference. He was absolutely right, then. Why don't we just do away with these pesky elections and just let our betters do all of our thinking for us? After all, we great, unwashed "sheep" out here don't have the sense to know what's good for us.
Humility and humbleness are synonyms. You don't define a word by using its synonym. However, I think you're confusing "humility" with "modesty". In that context, I would agree with you. I certainly would not call Patton, MacArthur or Napoleon modest men--they weren't. Humility (or humbleness, if you prefer) in a leadership context has more to do with having the wisdom to know your own limitations and placing the needs of others before yourself.
You wanted to talk about Douglas MacArthur--ok, let's talk about ol' Mac. Here's a golden example of a man who lacked humility, a man whose insubordinate attitude and constant disobedience of the orders of his superiors eventually got him relieved from his post as Commander of Allied Forces in Korea.
Napoleon. Another example of a leader who lacked humility. Tried to invade Russia against the better judgment of his military advisers. So convinced that victory over Alexander was his "destiny" that he essentially bit off more than he could chew.
Same thing with Custer. The consommate egomaniac, Custer underestimated the number of the Sioux tribes and divided his forces into three groups, leading to his defeat at Little Bighorn.
I noticed you guys discussing Hitler in another thread. A textbook case of a leader who lacked humility if there ever was one. Another instance of a megalomaniac whose refusal to listen to the advice of his generals led to his eventual defeat.
You can cite all kinds of examples and spin it however you want, but it really doesn't change anything, Slade. Good, effective and successful leadership always begins with an attitude of humility.
Scott Perry
Note: Allow me to amend my closing statement: "An attitude of humility is essential to good, effective and successful leadership."
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