Government "Spend[ing]...way out of a world class recession" is akin to me spending my way out of bankruptcy after I am just won't happen.
Reagan inherited a mess from Carter...he never blamed in on him. Instead, he lowered the top marginal tax rates, stimulated economic engines with military growth, and reinstituted laissez-faire principles in the free market, freeing the bonds of government's controls on the economy. 30 years of solid economic growth was the result.
Could Obama be more contradictory in his approach? Can we expect results from a president that continues to blame the last guy? Can we expect economic growth from a guy who patterns his economic models after people like Saul Alinsky, whose goal was "social justice" and "bottom-up" economic freedom? I don't know about you, but I've never been employed by someone on the welfare roles.
We are in for a very long transformation if we don't get these clowns out of Congress, then put someone in The White House that acts more like Reagan. Heck, I'd be giddy if we had someone more like Clinton at this point!
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