This is the sort of thing that we all need to be a bit thick skinned about, a bit more often. We need to be willing to take criticism and to speak freely in reply to it. It's the nature of free speech.
As business owners, we also need thick skin to weather the rough times financially when clients don't pay. This is naturally, why it's better for us to do the work ourselves rather than to rely on contractors or employees who rely on our firms receiving payment for work done. At least in this sense we are out gas, mileage, our own time and wear & tear on the car. It's also a good reason to keep costs down by using email for product delivery, taking digital copies of documents to save county fees, and elminating the fax machine from our lives.
I think that this is a good reason for the fly-by-night abstractors to contact a firm like this, offer those $25 searches, bill a company like this for whatever it's worth, then leave the biz never to be seen again. It would serve all of them right. A nonpaying company gets crappy product with high liability while a crappy producer doesn't get paid. Lose-lose for them but win-win for the rest of us. lol
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