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[+] NREIS - Joyce Obrien/PA (6 replies)
2/23/2010 12:03:49 PM (5398 views)

[+] Tax Info - Ellen Maher/MI (4 replies)
2/19/2010 9:14:39 AM (3459 views)

[+] iMortgage - Saundra  Scott/MD (17 replies)
2/19/2010 5:32:31 AM (3909 views)

2/18/2010 6:15:33 PM (3481 views)

[+] No Pay Until File Closes??? - Glenda Hodge/TN (18 replies)
2/17/2010 9:18:58 PM (3921 views)

Real Title Services

Loan Modification - J Nisonger/CA
2/17/2010 6:30:45 PM (2683 views)

[+] Nationwide Real Estate Services Inc - jess barker/IL (11 replies)
2/17/2010 12:59:16 PM (4541 views)

[+] Rule of Idem Sonans - Helene /GA (13 replies)
2/16/2010 10:09:17 PM (5284 views)

[+] WHAT SHOULD THESE SEARCHES BE CALLED? - Laurie Puckett/TN (19 replies)
2/16/2010 2:59:43 PM (3663 views)

[+] REO America Abstract - martha campbell/VA (1 reply)
2/16/2010 10:03:32 AM (3948 views)

[+] IM LOOKIN FOR GOOD PRICE ON E&O - William McAlarney/TN (3 replies)
2/13/2010 10:00:22 AM (3470 views)

[-] (More) problems with Mass Probate Court searches - Leigh Attridge/MA (10 replies)
2/11/2010 10:15:49 AM (3350 views)
Re: (More) problems with Mass Probate Court searches - Robert Franco/OH
2/11/2010 10:25:28 AM (2641 views)
Re: (More) problems with Mass Probate Court searches - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/11/2010 1:22:15 PM (2567 views)
Re: (More) problems with Mass Probate Court searches - Robert Franco/OH
2/11/2010 1:31:32 PM (2562 views)
Re: (More) problems with Mass Probate Court searches - Scott Perry/PA
2/11/2010 2:39:32 PM (2623 views)
Re: (More) problems with Mass Probate Court searches - Robert Franco/OH
2/11/2010 2:45:32 PM (2550 views)
Re: (More) problems with Mass Probate Court searches - Scott Perry/PA
2/11/2010 6:53:55 PM (2629 views)
Re: (More) problems with Mass Probate Court searches - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/12/2010 12:28:36 PM (2610 views)
Re: (More) problems with Mass Probate Court searches - Scott Perry/PA
2/12/2010 6:42:59 PM (2609 views)
Re: (More) problems with Mass Probate Court searches - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/11/2010 3:31:54 PM (2601 views)
Re: (More) problems with Mass Probate Court searches - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/11/2010 3:47:14 PM (2830 views)

We used to have a system that was county-wide, that is you could only get information on probates for towns in your particular county.   The old computer system wasn't spectacular, but it was reasonably fast & accurate &  certainly easy to use.  The probate court of Essex County stopped printing bound volumes around 1988.  Then they organized a card file index system, which I want to tell you was very scary to use.  How many times did I see someone pull the card out of the drawer, & walk up to the counter with it to fill out a ticket to get the file.  Who knows if the card was ever put back.  Right around 2000 or so the Probate Court rearranged the file card index, & printed the information into books, but after that everything stopped.  We have computer records only from 2001 in Essex County.  Now if you go to Suffok County in Boston their probate records appear to go back to the 70's-80's on the computer so it's kind of really all about what the Probate Court clerks feel like doing in terms of entry.  The new system, however, covers the entire state of Massachusetts so you can check to see if anything has been filed in any Probate Court district in Mass.  Unfortunately the system is balky, extremely slow & is very very persnickity as to what you have to do to get it to spit information out.  All in all, everyone hates it including the clerks at Probate Court who don't have an easier time with it than we do.  One more example - take the name O'Brien - in a normal world (such as the Essex South ROD) the name does not have any punctuation & is not case sensitive.  In the unhappy world of Probate Court the name is both case sensitive (you have to capitalize both the "O" and the "B") & requires correct punctuation as well.  Again all I can say is argh

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[+] TitleTek - Matt Papsch/MD (2 replies)
2/10/2010 3:46:57 PM (3640 views)

[+] Phone Service - researcher ./VA (4 replies)
2/10/2010 10:53:44 AM (3379 views)

[+] Unpaid utility bills - Laurie Puckett/TN (11 replies)
2/9/2010 12:01:59 PM (3802 views)

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