Thank you, Kevin! That was a short, concise version...quite good, actually! I've heard of the book and am also very familiar with the rise and fall of the Roman empire. My grandfather was from the Ukraine, and his family left because of the revolution in the Russian empire. While I'm no expert, history and reading are loves of mine.
My point was more that I don't get the comparison of our current status or government to Hitler's regime. No leader would get anywhere without using social justice and human rights as a part of their platform. The concepts themselves are not evil, only how you use them (kinda like a gun). I don't believe our country is anywhere near the states of these referenced countries that were ripe for a takeover, be it an internal or external decision. For starters, our president is only allowed a total of 8 years in office and must earn the second 4 years through re-election by everyone. We do not have a set of officials with life-time appointments. Second, Austria was a desparate country. Health care was/is not at a point that it is something desparately needed. Just something we believe is the right thing to do so that it won't become that way and cause problems. And hopefully, this country can be intelligent enough to pull it off the right way. We have some wonderful examples in Hawaii and San Fran.
Now, what I have read is regimes like Hitler's using fear tactics and division through propaganda (like the tea baggers) to get people to cooperate. Every time I see the Obama as Hitler posters, it's about like watching someone burn our flag. I wish they would take pride in their country. Maybe say something along the lines of "While Hitler used these things for evil, we will show the world how to use them for good."
ps I know it's the tea party, but hey, someone didn't do their research before they hit the media through Fox "news." lol The reason they've never had my respect.
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